I returned to the game after 2 years, now the classes are very different.
I have a lvl 14 dwarf fighter TWF (legend) and would like some suggestions for a build.
I have a +20 Lesser Heart of Wood too if necessary.
I returned to the game after 2 years, now the classes are very different.
I have a lvl 14 dwarf fighter TWF (legend) and would like some suggestions for a build.
I have a +20 Lesser Heart of Wood too if necessary.
You are bound to find something here that suits your fancy... if not then check the sig of the builders for other builds that didn't make the list...
Last edited by Battlehawke; 07-25-2014 at 11:32 AM.
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Did you want to stick with TWF? Is there anything besides melee DPS you want? [I.e., ranged DPS, self-healing, trap skills, etc.] What alignment is your char? Also # of build pts, tomes, etc.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.