Can you look into changing this function?

When a party of friends log in with different level toons some low some high, The higher Epic level ones can get trapped in a quest after it has been completed

A example of what happened last night. I was in a epic 3bc quest, my friends logged on with lowbes and jumped into a quest. We then all linked up into are party for the night.
A min later I completed my quest but was unable to get out of it. NOT even by /death due to the fact that other lower level toons were in the party.

One solution would be to set the quests / slayer areas to have the toon meet the req level and if your not that level you just cant get in, but not block others of a higher level from coming and going.

Lol My son would like to add “Put in a AGE line like in Harry Potter” From the mouths of kids. He speaks the truth.

Please look in to changing this, It makes running in a party a pain in the butt.