So, the wifey has decided to give DDO a try. WOOT!!!
She wants to play as a Wolf, and she wants to beat stuff up. That's as much info as I could drag out of her, but I know some things about her (go figure! ) and what she'll like so here's what I'm thinking:
She won't like playing the piano with a jillion hotbars and hotkeys. So simplicity will be a key factor. Low on casting, Big on Hitting.
She will likely not be playing more than an hour, once or twice a week with me, so low level heroic f2p stuff will be the bulk of our questing, at least initially. If she sticks around we'll start buying packs. In the meantime very shiny gear is probably out of the question, although I can buy/craft any gear that the build absolutely MUST have.
Multiclassing is fine, provided she doesn't have to spend a lot of time playing/learning splash class abilities. That is, if the build calls for 1 rog at level 1, that's fine since she'll be in and out of level one on our first day. 6 levels of monk taken early on is probably NOT going to fly, she'll get frustrated with stances and finishers and all that before ever getting into wolf form. So shallow splashes where they'll hurt the least is key there.
I'll be rolling up a fresh alt to quest along with her, haven't decided what exactly yet. Possibly another Tempest Trapmonkey, or possibly something in the Pally neighbourhood, you know, to keep the trash off her while she learns to melee, throw the odd heal, that sort of thing. Any suggestions on that front would be cool too.
Remember: IF she get's to 20, it'll take a LONG time. So let's focus on good front-load power. We want to impress her with cool stuff but not overload her with complicated button management. This will be her first MMO and first RPG.
I'll be trying to build her something in the planner while I wait for your wise suggestions.
Thanks in advance