Originally Posted by
Thanks for all your help guys, just waiting on the build to be done before I +3 LR my character
Oh I'm sorry I could have sworn I posted it...now this isn't exactly optimal since Sorc is better off going THF due to lack of feats and Elves are better off going TWF for various reasons but twas what I was limited to.
Note: Lvl 21 only shown to demonstrate the earliest u can pick up GTWF
Elven Sorc18/Palli2
Str 12 (Needs +1 tome b4 LR)
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 8
Cha 18 (Lvl ups here)
Level Order: Sorc 1-10, Palli 11-12, Sorc 13-20
Skills: Concen, UMD
1 Maximize
3 Weapon Finesse
9 PA
15 Cleave
18 Great Cleave
Here's the THF version...same "not exactly optimal" clause applies
Elven Sorc18/Palli2
Str 16
Dex 10
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 8
Cha 18 (Lvl ups here)
Level Order: Sorc 1-10, Palli 11-12, Sorc 13-20
Skills: Concen, UMD
1 Extend
3 PA
6 Maximize
9 Empower
12 Cleave
15 Great Cleave
18 IC: Slashing