Hey all, Have to explain a few things first off.
- returning player, but still am new to game, have only played for 5 months last year and got to lvl 11 with a ranger.
- older person, just looking to enjoy the game and not power game or get high tech into the mechanics of the game because we are just part time players, 3-4 times a week for couple hours.
- don't know all the terms and abbreviations people use on the forums.
- bought the Druid last year, but never played one yet. then took 10 months off gaming.
What I'm looking for help with; Basic fun Druid build.
1) good melee build druid not to complicated, but fun.
2) Heal/caster/CC druid build.
- would like to go dwarf
- no past life's, have not played that long
- no great gear
Thanks for any tips or advice.