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  1. #1
    Community Member drathdragon's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default PM trapper 2pst sorc life - any suggestion ?

    I am goin to TR into (the first time for me) a WF Palemaster splashed 2 lvl rogue for evasion and DD after 2 past lifes of Sorcerer.

    There is something you could suggests me to not do usual mistakes ?

    I can't find interesting Builds, may be someone of you knows one to pass me as good example ?

    about stats:
    i'm planning to set these stats

    STR 10
    DEX 16
    COS 17
    INT 18 (max)
    WIS 6
    CHA 6

    Do you think that i'm going to do a wrong thing to complitely ignore WIS and CHA ?

    about skills:

    Is repair(or heal) useful ?
    Is spellcraft useful for a PM ?
    WIth a starting low CHA stat can i try to increase UMD anyhow ?

    thanks for any possible help.

  2. #2
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by drathdragon View Post
    I am goin to TR into (the first time for me) a WF Palemaster splashed 2 lvl rogue for evasion and DD after 2 past lifes of Sorcerer.

    There is something you could suggests me to not do usual mistakes ?

    I can't find interesting Builds, may be someone of you knows one to pass me as good example ?

    about stats:
    i'm planning to set these stats

    STR 10
    DEX 16
    COS 17
    INT 18 (max)
    WIS 6
    CHA 6

    Do you think that i'm going to do a wrong thing to complitely ignore WIS and CHA ?

    about skills:

    Is repair(or heal) useful ?
    Is spellcraft useful for a PM ?
    WIth a starting low CHA stat can i try to increase UMD anyhow ?

    thanks for any possible help.
    Personally I love the Wiz/Rogue build. been on 2 lives with it so far, and it is just soo much fun. While I believe that everyone should make their build as they like it, there are some tricks.

    You start with 1 rogue level, and then you take 9 Wizard, then 1 rogue, and then the rest wizard, this will split your skill points so you can max a larger spread of skills.

    Feats like Insightful Reflexes rock, it allows you to use your Int Mod for Reflex saves, on a Wiz/Rogue, this a must have feat, which means "dex" can be a dump stat for the build. Take that into consideration when you think about your stat scores.

    You really do not need a high dex unless you plan to also go AA or go TWF but since you are going WF, I don't see this build as AA on any level, and your low STR score tells me this is going to be pure caster, so any weapons you have will be just implements. So you can lower the dex, raise the Cha if UMD is going to be something you want.

    If later you feel the urge to stab things, I would suggest things like Midnights Greetings.

    Minor stuff:

    You do not need a high lock pick for most content, Knock will do it, so if you don't feel like investing the points into Lockpick , don't.

    Search, you need this, even if you can cast detect Secret doors, you need search to find the boxes. Also, max your search and disable, this will take 4 skill points per caster level, so make a plan for that.

    You will discover that gear swaps become more common, not sure how you played a Sorc, but, as you level up a wiz/rogue, you will need a set of "trapping" gear as the content gets higher and harder.

    Hopefully this will help you get some ideas going and things to think about! Good luck and this should be a great and fun build!

  3. #3
    Community Member drathdragon's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    thank you so much, very helpful.

    Probably i wrongly setted the dex so high because i was thinking to use rogue's quarterstaff abilities.
    But then i realized that to use the quarterstaff abilities of the rogue you must have at least 5 lvl in rogue class.

    so, true, i will low dex stat and increase CHA stat.

    And thanks for all the other useful advices about skills, i will take care of them.
    Last edited by drathdragon; 10-30-2013 at 08:04 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member bsquishwizzy's Avatar
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    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by drathdragon View Post
    I am goin to TR into (the first time for me) a WF Palemaster splashed 2 lvl rogue for evasion and DD after 2 past lifes of Sorcerer.

    There is something you could suggests me to not do usual mistakes ?

    I can't find interesting Builds, may be someone of you knows one to pass me as good example ?

    about stats:
    i'm planning to set these stats

    STR 10
    DEX 16
    COS 17
    INT 18 (max)
    WIS 6
    CHA 6

    Do you think that i'm going to do a wrong thing to complitely ignore WIS and CHA ?

    about skills:

    Is repair(or heal) useful ?
    Is spellcraft useful for a PM ?
    WIth a starting low CHA stat can i try to increase UMD anyhow ?

    thanks for any possible help.
    I play rogues and wizzies, but usually pure. Here’s my take:

    STR? 10 is good.

    CON? Maybe a tad too high.

    WIS? I’d bump that a little. I TR-ed my rogue, and that ended up being the stat I had to sacrifice – and that was a tough decision on my part because you need WIS for spotting traps. So, you are going to be VERY gear dependent if you don’t know where the trap boxes are. And there are a lot of quests with random traps. My personal opinion is to try to get it to 10 if you can. You might want to invest an enhancement or two into bumping your Spot skill to get around this deficit.

    CHA? Unless you are a fleshy caster, UMD is next to useless. You’d only need it for scroll and wand healing. You’ll never need it for any of your arcane stuff. But you are going PM, which means self-healing, and thus scroll-healing falls to the very bottom of the list.

    I have no idea if Repair is useful. No one has ever needed me to repair them, not have I needed repair skills thus far on any of my toons, and no one has ever complained about it. So, as far as I’m concerned, it is a low priority.

    Spellcraft is useful. Some debate as to just how useful it is, but I put points into it as often as I can. I don’t think this is a skill that should be ignored.

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