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  1. #1
    Community Member Zadaine's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Little help getting back

    Just coming back to ddo from quitting a little bit after underdark hit. I have a second life paladin im leveling for the past life and i just need some help getting him back on his feet since ive been outta the loop for so long. Past life was a barb so i have mostly two handed weapons. Have a min2 greataxe which is probably my best weapon. At the moment he is a human level 16 pally with mostly thw feats and extend. Enhancements are the main things giving me trouble since all i need to do is finish up the last 4 levels and move on. I have a +20 heart thing if it really is that bad.

  2. #2
    Community Member Ralmeth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Zadaine View Post
    Just coming back to ddo from quitting a little bit after underdark hit. I have a second life paladin im leveling for the past life and i just need some help getting him back on his feet since ive been outta the loop for so long. Past life was a barb so i have mostly two handed weapons. Have a min2 greataxe which is probably my best weapon. At the moment he is a human level 16 pally with mostly the feats and extend. Enhancements are the main things giving me trouble since all i need to do is finish up the last 4 levels and move on. I have a +20 heart thing if it really is that bad.
    There's really no reason to take more Paladin levels at this stage. I would probably pick up 2 monk or 2 fighter levels, then hold at 18 until you have enough XP for 20th. As for Paladin enhancements, look at picking up the following, at a minimum. Then fill in the rest with what picks your fancy:

    Core: First 4 - 4 Pts
    Tier 1: Extra Turning x2, Extra Smite x2 - 4pts
    Tier 2: Divine Might x3, Extra Smite x2 - 8 pts
    Tier 3: Divine Sacrifice x3, Exhalted Smite x3, Vigor of Life - 11 pts
    Tier 4: Vigor of Life - 2 pts
    Tier 5: Vigor of Life, Sealed Life - 4 pts
    33 pts

    Core: First only
    Tier 1: Extra LoH x3, Sacred Armor Mastery x3 (to increase your dodge chance) - 6 pts

    Hope that helps
    The best part of the 10th Anniversary of DDO...the description on the Oatmeal Raisin Kookie,
    "From a distance you thought this was a chocolate chip kookie. Now you're sad."

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