Coaty beat me to the major points. ;-) Basically, the Wizardry at tier 1 hasn't really been very good for quite awhile now. You will want a much stronger spell point item than that, so it becomes a wasted mod! He was also dead on in that you want to alternate between CHA skills +6 and INT skills +4 for tiers 3 and 2. The planner is a bit outdated in that it calls them +3 and +2.
So if you are dead set on a ConcOp Spell Point item, that would look like:
Either Minor Good Guard (meh), +10 HP (better!), or Lesser Regeneration (super meh!). Wizardry, +5 Will saves, and Healing Lore are all mods that were kind of nifty at the time, but since then have been blown past without any update the GS gear.
Another option is to make yourself a ConcOp Hit Point item. This is the route that I prefer, since usually the Spell Point item I only wear when entering a dungeon and then remove after buffing. A ConcOp HP item would look like:
It might be a good idea to think ahead before making your first GS item to what your second, and maybe third will be. You seem confidant that you want a ConcOp item. Will your next one perhaps be a Displace clicky? Will you go with separate HP and SP items, or mix the two to make different combinations, just so long as you end up with all 5 in the end?