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  1. #1
    Community Member hunzi2010's Avatar
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    Dec 2010

    Default Pure Dwarf Barb after enhancements

    Hello Everyone,

    Wondering if I can get some help with these new enhancments for my barbarian. I have had a go ands reset it a few times and blows around 45k plat so before I waste anymore I thought I might ask for some assistance.
    Prior to the update he was a frenzy Bezerka barb (but I wasnt using both rages unless at a boss).
    I would throw a primal scream and rage once (also on second life so have another rage clicky from past life feart)
    with those 2 active I would hit with an antique great axe base damage of around 130-+140 (plus weapon effects) and then crit for around 1200ish.
    With these new enhancements he now hits for 95-112 base and I havent seen a crit more that 500. something is wrong as you an see.
    Any input or assistance would be great.
    And I want to make sure I take the con stats in the race tree and atleast 2-3 in the class trees, if anyone has any assistance or ideas please would be fantastic.

  2. #2
    Community Member xMund's Avatar
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    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by hunzi2010 View Post
    Hello Everyone,

    Wondering if I can get some help with these new enhancments for my barbarian. I have had a go ands reset it a few times and blows around 45k plat so before I waste anymore I thought I might ask for some assistance.
    Prior to the update he was a frenzy Bezerka barb (but I wasnt using both rages unless at a boss).
    I would throw a primal scream and rage once (also on second life so have another rage clicky from past life feart)
    with those 2 active I would hit with an antique great axe base damage of around 130-+140 (plus weapon effects) and then crit for around 1200ish.
    With these new enhancements he now hits for 95-112 base and I havent seen a crit more that 500. something is wrong as you an see.
    Any input or assistance would be great.
    And I want to make sure I take the con stats in the race tree and atleast 2-3 in the class trees, if anyone has any assistance or ideas please would be fantastic.
    I don't know if it is the optimal solution, but what I did was to shift to be primarily Ravager, with Frenzied Berserker as secondary. I am currently lvl 15, and with Crit Rage II + frenzy I have seen a significant increase in DPS, compared to the old enhancments. Other than those, I have taken Con+toughness from Dwarf along with the two first Axe enhancements and dipped into Occult Slayer only for the extended Rage. I am planning to put the rest into FB for Death Frenzy (I think the math comes out, but I don't have the calculations with me...).

    It is worth noting that I have splashed for evasion, so capstones are not a factor for me. This could change the math significantly...

  3. #3
    Community Member AbyssalMage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunzi2010 View Post
    Hello Everyone,

    Wondering if I can get some help with these new enhancments for my barbarian. I have had a go ands reset it a few times and blows around 45k plat so before I waste anymore I thought I might ask for some assistance.
    Prior to the update he was a frenzy Bezerka barb (but I wasnt using both rages unless at a boss).
    I would throw a primal scream and rage once (also on second life so have another rage clicky from past life feart)
    with those 2 active I would hit with an antique great axe base damage of around 130-+140 (plus weapon effects) and then crit for around 1200ish.
    With these new enhancements he now hits for 95-112 base and I havent seen a crit more that 500. something is wrong as you an see.
    Any input or assistance would be great.
    And I want to make sure I take the con stats in the race tree and atleast 2-3 in the class trees, if anyone has any assistance or ideas please would be fantastic.
    May have to do some quick math. Many (some?) of the +dam isn't stacking like advertised from Lam to live. Do a break down (here or on paper) and see what you should be getting. Other than that, can't help you. Enhancement pass is all sorts of buggy.

  4. #4
    Community Member hunzi2010's Avatar
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    Dec 2010


    Thanks for the feedback,
    at this stage I hve jumped into my main ED and raged up and my base damage without weapons effects now is hotting for around 115-125 + weapons effects, but the crits are still only doing the same.
    im going to go and have a good look at them again .
    can anyone tellme how the to hit and damge mechanic is now working as I believe alot of my gear that I had is either not stacking or is irrelevant
    thanks all for your help.

  5. #5
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    I strongly recommend a Dwarven Con based barbarian. The key here is getting your Con as insanely high as you can! Don't worry about to-hit, even if you put all points in Con and level ups in con, you should still have a decent strength for to-hit, plus Dwarven enhancements, plus a accuracy 11 item, and you will have ZERO to-hit issues.

    Dwarven occult slayer is a fun build, and the strongest of the barb trees IMHO.

    Remember: you get SR equal to con. SR makes you immune to spells from any mob as long as their CR is less than 29 of your SR (assuming they are casting a level 9 spell, and roll a 20 to overcome your SR). Numbers in between that value will at least block some of the spells being thrown at you. Also the no save knockdowns vs casters are amazing and go off ALLOT!

    Max Con:
    Base 20
    Enhancements 6
    Levels 7
    Fury shout 5
    Rage 11
    Yugo 2
    Item 11
    Insightful 3
    Exceptional 1
    Tome 5
    Madstone 4
    Ship 2
    EPic destiny 3
    Epic feats 2
    Total 82

    Epic destiny FoW using TWF Dwarven axes or Morhns.

    Balanced attacks (knockdown on20 with no save from primal avatar)
    Serenity (+9 SR from GMoF)

    Congratulations! You are now:
    IMMUNE to ANY spell that uses spell resistance from CR 62 mobs and below! (Your SR is 91!)
    Do good dps (+36 from con, +11 deadly, +6 FoW, +4 dwarf, +8 weapon, +4planar = +69mainhand, +51offhand, that's insane!)
    Offer Lots of no-save CC to party with FoW knockdowns and balanced attack knockdowns
    Offer more no save CC against casters especially ones firing aoe spells
    Have a booty load of HP!
    Have a fun and unique build that you are sure to enjoy!
    Last edited by Delacroix21; 08-28-2013 at 02:21 AM.
    Making DDO a better game 1 post at a time!

    Triple EVERYTHING Completionist= Heroic 42/42, Iconic 12/12, Epic 36/36

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