hi all,
with the new enhancement pass, i was wondering if a true undead cleric
is now possible?
a vampire cleric perhaps who rains down destruction
im thinking maybe 13 cleric 7 wizard, 13 cleric for level 7 spells, destruction im
looking at you and 7 wizard for level 4 spells namely death aura.
if we use nothing but pale master from the wizard tree's and divine disciple from
the cleric tree's we could pump up the negative damage, but will it be high enough
to be effective?
the cleric healing for groups i feel should be ok without touching any of the other
tree's but needs to be tested i suppose.
the character im thinking of doing this on has 3 wiz past lives behind it and i want
to do 3 cleric lives but i dont want to be a heal bot, i wanna have fun.
if only rons planner was done(please be soon).
so basicly what im asking is has anyone else had the same thoughts as me and do
they wanna share?
oh well just a idea, i live in hope....
your friend sil