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  1. #1
    The Hatchery
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    Jun 2010

    Default R.O.G.U.E. IV: The Rebirthinatening

    With the release of update 19, an overhaul of the Rouge enhancements, and an extensive rework of the stealth system, namely...

    I think it's about time for a new thread!

    Post your achievements (e.g. successfully soloing/shortmanning a quest, with either stealth or brute force, and all/mostly-rogue raids and quests), think of achievements other players could accomplish, and discuss how best to complete quests and build rogues here!

    Old thread here.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Aug 2013


    I tried rolling while sneaking. The game starts freezing, gets all choppy, and you get stuck in place. You've gotta cancel Sneak, then tumble to get out of it. Otherwise you can only run in place.

  3. #3
    Community Member Bumbaragum's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Adelair View Post
    I tried rolling while sneaking. The game starts freezing, gets all choppy, and you get stuck in place. You've gotta cancel Sneak, then tumble to get out of it. Otherwise you can only run in place.
    Well... I jumped on my pure rogue build and had lots of fun with it! It's certainly harder to pass mobs unatended only using stealth, made the game more interesting and the AI more competent and less autotargeting you.

    I can tumble normaly (I dont do the jumping tumble when you have alot of skil points in it, do not know if WAI or a Bug) and I'm realy sad to say that you can no longer dry hump stuff while sneaking and jumping. But well... you can M@$%F@#ing JUMP.

    Expecting lots of fun soloers and adventurers in here! Have an AMAZING time R.O.G.U.E.S out there!

  4. #4
    The Hatchery
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Adelair View Post
    I tried rolling while sneaking. The game starts freezing, gets all choppy, and you get stuck in place. You've gotta cancel Sneak, then tumble to get out of it. Otherwise you can only run in place.
    I didn't experience this problem.

    I ran through the first chain in Wheloon prison today. A couple of the quests seem very stealth friendly (no doors, big hallways). However, the boss fights are moderately challenging (in a group) and some quests have Shadows which see through sneak.

  5. #5
    Community Member Tenebris-Niatellim's Avatar
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    Wow DDO never ceases to amaze me. So many options, so many classes and so many unique play styles.

    I want to try this out at least once, is the advanced stealth guide still viable? (mostly?)

    And is there a certain build that's best suited for stealthing post U19? Or are you still experimenting? I want to roll a toon and try this. (28 point tho Q_Q)

  6. #6
    Sneaky community member MalarKan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tenebris-Niatellim View Post

    And is there a certain build that's best suited for stealthing post U19? Or are you still experimenting? I want to roll a toon and try this. (28 point tho Q_Q)
    so far i have only capped ranks in hide and move silently again (i droped cause i lately had obsolete sneaking skills due playstyle), but havent got any chance to play my recently cap rogue, been working on my other toons at the moment.

    and YES!!! R.O.G.U.E. is back!!! new players arround are going to love it veteran players as myself can hardly find new deeds to acomplish, so this is more like a place to share experience and wisdom with others than a place to brag about stuff other people has already done :P

    Welcome back R.O.G.U.E. !! long live!
    Cisko from Argonessen: Prodigious Lord of Shadows, Master Locksmith and Deadly Firedancer
    (6th pure rogue life and counting)
    Long LiveR.O.G.U.E.

  7. #7
    The Hatchery
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Tenebris-Niatellim View Post
    I want to try this out at least once, is the advanced stealth guide still viable? (mostly?)
    The major changes to stealth that I'd have to put in are being able to jump while stealthed (slightly nerfing Sneak Freedom) and the fact that mobs will no longer auto-track you, and will de-aggro you if they can't find you after some time.

    If you often find yourself accidentally aggroing the odd mob here and there, this will make it easier. I've not yet tested how it works, i.e. if I aggro an entire room, go into sneak and circle around them to avoid attacks, will they eventually all forget about me?

    There's also the UI change to sneak, where mobs will display a question mark if they hear something, a number of eyes based on how close you are to them, and a big red eye if they see you. I haven't found this change very useful, though.

    Hiding In Plain Sight, the ranger feat and auto-grant from Shadowdancer Stealthy, got nerfed. If you had these, it will now be harder to sneak in well-lit areas, since you'll have a larger penalty to hide. If you do want to sneak around, I advise getting as high as possible sneak scores.

  8. #8
    Community Member Tenebris-Niatellim's Avatar
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    So if you want to R.O.G.U.E basically max Hide, Move Silently, and UMD (for the scrolls?), does race matter? As in there is a specific race that would excel? And would pure rogue be optimal for this or a splash of maybe pale wizard for the incorporeal form? Certain feats that would help etc?

  9. #9
    Community Member delsoboss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qezuzu View Post
    I've not yet tested how it works, i.e. if I aggro an entire room, go into sneak and circle around them to avoid attacks, will they eventually all forget about me?
    I did the EH Belly of the Beast yuan-ti, drow slaves and driders (tricky, i hate that web line trip thingy) arena fights alone with the new sneaking options: bluff pulling, assassinating, charging right into the mobs when improved uncanny dodge was off cooldown and then jumping/tumbling out and sneaking away.

    Even after you've been in melee with the mobs (in this case something like 10 drow slaves) if you disengage and start running/jumping/tumbling and manage to keep sneaking (again jumping and tumbling like a madman and re-sneaking if they hit you with their ranged attacks) for 5-10 secs (mind you, in the arena that is complete open space, with obstacles and corners it takes less) the mobs stop chasing you but stay alert for a "long" time (30-45 secs) throwing weapons and moving about erratically a few paces in random directions. After that they resume their normal actions (in the arena fights that is running in wide circles).

    So to answer your question: yes, if you stay in sneak (or if you go invisible with non-True Seeing mobs) and avoid contact with the mobs in about a minute everyone will forget about you.

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