We have brought Lamannia down as of today at 10am.
Thanks to all of you who come out and participated in the closed beta weeks/weekends!
Keep your eyes out for more information!
We have brought Lamannia down as of today at 10am.
Thanks to all of you who come out and participated in the closed beta weeks/weekends!
Keep your eyes out for more information!
- Quijonn on Ghallanda, Triple Completionist ---> 3350 HP Unbuffed ---> 3405 HP Unbuffed ---> 7447HP Buffed (17,693HP total) ---> 130 CON
- Monster Manual, Known Issues ---> <string table error; tableDID [0x00000000] token [0x00000000]> ---> All Epic Quests EH and EE, XP/Min, Comms/Min
- The Stormreach Campaign ---> The Stormreach Campaign Blog ---> Enhancements in PDF format ---> Saga's simplified
- Quality of Life Fixes
And is the NDA lifted so we can start to (openly) prep the masses for the new enhancements?
Magical Rings are well... magical. - Gandalf
The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.
Dee Hock
my plans for launch day, and the week of, yard work! this thing is going to need a few patches after launch just to make it playable. And lets all hope there isn't a great exodus over the xp ransack mess. Boy that's going to be bad.
I just hope that it stays open 'till the end of the month, or at least keep the characters. I spent hours of leveling, and I don't want it all to be for naught.
Sorry to tell that then :
You've done it wrong, leveling in L-Space is a matter of minutes.
Here are the steps :
- Create a character
- Skip first quest by talking to Jeets
- Skip Korthos
- Go to the Marketplace
- Go to The Dojo
- Cross the Dojo, talk to the Guide ( repeat this step and the following one the required time )
- Level with the trainers around.
For the equipment, there's a room filled with Named Stuff at all the levels.
On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...
Sorry, but you are severely wrong on the time scale.
Sure, you get the Exp just fine. But you have to do the leveling up, choose enhancements. I think even if you have preplanned your build it would take more than mere minutes. More likely in the range of 20 or 30 minutes.
And the equipment in the dojo? A joke! Except for the greensteel not much is there you can use for level 28 or even 25 characters. And building greensteel is not done in 2 minutes either... and even then it's usefulness can be debated.
What equip from the dojo are you using on your level 28? I bet you are using not more than one or two.
If squeak wouldn't be so nice and fill the AH and drop some CITW loot every now and then the EE quests would be almost impossible for characters created on Lamannia.
And then there is this obstruction called Flagging. I am not sure if Flavilandile also meant this, but without flagging it's impossible to play certain quests/raids. The flagging for CITW / FoT is done in mere minutes? I dont think so.
Still not hours. So I'm not wrong, as the post I was answering to mentioned hours spent levelling.
I agree that the equipment is not that great for LVL 25+, now a 20-25 character can get a full set of things from there to get him/her by until such time he/she manages to get the things from the AH ( when it is filled ) and from quests.
Not mentioned as the post I answered to only mentioned levelling. But yes, flagging, once you've reached the cap will require some time, though a lot of it can be zerged [ FoT won't take that long to flag... The pain is CiTW ]
On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...
I agree the equipment is not great even for level 25 toons but regarding hours to level I managed to tr some 5 times in an hour so to have spent hours levelling is thinking about the process way too much unless the OP was including tr'ing into the process. I managed to knock out a completionist in 3 hours including breaks to answer door/phone etc and was not exactly racing through every shortcut.
I was selected to enter the Closed Beta and recently downloaded the beta client. Due to scheduling problems and issues with downloading, I could not try it until yesterday. I got a popup that says:
Failed to queue for server (0x80004005)
This shows after I select Lamannia as the server and it says "Getting in line to connect". Is this due to Lamannia being closed, or is there another problem?
yes it's because the server is closed.
On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...