Hi all,
I've been having sort of silly issues recently.
First, a couple of my toons got raid timer bypass hourglasses from the dice. These don't show up as bound or anything, but still can't be sold or traded? It would have been nice to know that before trying to trade it to someone who asked for one in /trade ... and I can't get to any raids with timers at the moment anyway (f2p, low level.)
And then I've pulled omnispell dust from low-level chests a couple of times, once in Korthos even. I see that stuff for sale in the AH regularly, so why can't I put these up there? Again no mention of it being bound or anything, and it's sort of useless for a non-spellcaster too... AND in /advice some of the other guys mentioned being able to trade/auction their omnispell dust.
So. Is there a list of supposedly unbound but still untradeable items anywhere? How do I determine which kind it is, when at a chest as, say, a pure rogue or...?
The kinds that say they bind on acquire I do understand, such as the concentrated elixirs - those are merely slightly annoying at times. (High-level concentrated sp pots from the dice, for the same pure rogue. Well, at least my caster toons occasionally get those too.)