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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default A Viable Pure Wisdom Forgotten Light TWFing cleric with high DC's?

    Alright, here's the idea:

    Cleric 18/Fighter 2

    36 point buy:
    Strength 10+3 tome = 13 (2 pts)
    Dex: 14+3 tome = 17 (6pts)
    Con: 14 (6pts)
    Int: 8
    Wisdom 18 (16 pts) + 8 item +1 exceptional +3 insight + 3 enhancement +3 tome +6 level +2 airship +2 yugo +6 maxed Exalted angel = 52, or a +21 modifier
    Or more: 2 more from a +5 tome, 2 more from completionist, probably a few more

    6 pts free.

    You need to backload your bonus feats after the dex bonus, so you're looking at fighter at 12/13

    Level 1: Empower Healing
    Human: Maximize
    Level 3: Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 6: Quicken
    Level 9: Empower
    Level 12: Improved Critical: Bludgeoning
    Level 12 Figther: Power Attack
    Level 13 Fighter: Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 15: Heighten Spell
    Level 18: Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 21: Spell Focus: Evocation?
    Level 24:

    You two weapon fight with a pair of forgotten lights: 2.5 * 4.5 = 11.25+7+21+10.5 as your base damage = 50 damage a swing. Throw in divine favour and probably a lot of things I'm forgetting or don't know, could a pure wisdom dual wielding cleric end up with noticeable endgame DPS and noticeable endgame DC's?
    Thelanis: Ikeren, Paladin 7. Dylas --- Cleric 21.

  2. #2
    Community Member backandforth's Avatar
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    My thoughts while reading your build:

    -High DCs in what? If you want destruction,slay living,implosion,command/greater command to land you will need more spell penetration.
    Comet fall is a nice spell with no spell penetration needed.You can add conjuration focus feats and twists and beat the mobs while they are on the floor.
    If it is for blade barriers ,then sf evocation feats.

    -Forgotten light is a cute weapon but having two weapons with radiance and devotion is too much . The fall of truth has really nice gloves with devotion that I would suggest you to have as your main source of healing power.

    -If I would make a build with forgotten light ,it would be sword and board. An alchemical shield with +2 wisdom for my DCs and other goodies and forgotten light.I would add shield mastery and improved shield mastery feats.

    -I would add 1 wizard class for 1 more feat and better damage with fire spells and blade barrier.
    This mostly cause I would want to fit PA,cleave,great cleave,overwhelming critical.

  3. 05-18-2013, 12:13 PM

    double posted

  4. #3
    Community Member guardianx2009's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by backandforth View Post
    My thoughts while reading your build:

    -High DCs in what? If you want destruction,slay living,implosion,command/greater command to land you will need more spell penetration.
    Comet fall is a nice spell with no spell penetration needed.You can add conjuration focus feats and twists and beat the mobs while they are on the floor.
    If it is for blade barriers ,then sf evocation feats.
    Spell Pen is overrated. It's only nice if you're dealing with mobs that have SR. It's not necessary.

    My cleric is TWF, but I do not use Forgotten Light. While it's better than other maces, it's not a very good weapon overall: it just does not have the crit profile to make it worthwhile.

  5. #4
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    -If I would make a build with forgotten light ,it would be sword and board. An alchemical shield with +2 wisdom for my DCs and other goodies and forgotten light.I would add shield mastery and improved shield mastery feats.

    -I would add 1 wizard class for 1 more feat and better damage with fire spells and blade barrier.
    This mostly cause I would want to fit PA,cleave,great cleave,overwhelming critical.
    Yeah, that's probably good advice. Though will the shield bashes be worth anything with dumped strength? The idea was...people are always saying you can't achieve useful DC's + useful melee damage at the same time, and I was sort of wondering if you could beat that by using forgotten lights wisdom to damage. It sounds like the answer is "not really." :P
    Thelanis: Ikeren, Paladin 7. Dylas --- Cleric 21.

  6. #5
    Community Member Fleckislaupir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CE2JRH123 View Post
    The idea was...people are always saying you can't achieve useful DC's + useful melee damage at the same time, and I was sort of wondering if you could beat that by using forgotten lights wisdom to damage. It sounds like the answer is "not really." :P
    The problem is a lot more goes into determining your melee DPS than your base stat (usually STR, WIS in the case of Forgotten Light); it also depends on your feats, the weapon you're using (as stated, FL has lousy crit profile and Supreme Good is alright but still not much), your gear (e.g., Seeker bonuses), class bonuses, EDs, etc. The higher you level, the greater the DPS disparity between a battlecleric and a "real" melee DPS build.
    The Once and Future unbongwah

  7. #6
    Community Member eachna_gislin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CE2JRH123 View Post
    Yeah, that's probably good advice. Though will the shield bashes be worth anything with dumped strength? The idea was...people are always saying you can't achieve useful DC's + useful melee damage at the same time, and I was sort of wondering if you could beat that by using forgotten lights wisdom to damage. It sounds like the answer is "not really." :P
    Sadly, damage numbers thrown around by melees is in the thousands these days, rather than the pre-destiny hundreds. With Forgotten Light, a cleric is in the tens .

    I just had a nice chat with a guild friend who plays a range of healers (cleric, bard, favored soul) and really knows the ins and outs of all those classes. He plays both a cleric who primarily roams around in Primal Avatar and make use of the "tree" form epic moment.

    As he explained it, the cleric aura generates spirit (the counters needed for tree form), as do a number of other spells and abilities. What he does when he wants to go into DPS mode is do a fresh activation of his aura, throws a cocoon on himself (for a brief heal over time) and then activates tree form. He wades into combat, and his aura keeps healing him and accumulating spirit.

    The tree form is like madstone rage meaning spells/SLAs/scrolls/clickies don't work, so you can't use the expected options for cleric self-healing DURING the form. But as long as the aura is enough, it works really well. I've seen his cleric wade into combat in tree form, it's pretty impressive.

    There's a bunch of nice stuff you get from the destiny including evasion (in light armor or robes). It's at least something to consider.

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