Hi Guys
I would like to propose that Bards be given a Damage of Time (DoT) of the Sonic variety.
I request this as almost all other casters get a DoT.
Money Maker of Cannith
Hi Guys
I would like to propose that Bards be given a Damage of Time (DoT) of the Sonic variety.
I request this as almost all other casters get a DoT.
Money Maker of Cannith
Like Eladar's Electric surge?
A triple stack of a DoT?
I'll /sign for that.
Probably make it level 6, because of it's massive power.
Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server
Wouldve loved a DoT on my old Warchanter
Eladar's Irritating Autotune...
Last edited by CheeseMilk; 11-09-2012 at 02:02 PM.
A song that does sonic damage over time makes sense, but it shouldn't compete with anything full casters do. Something like 1d2+cl/2 (max +5) sonic damage every 3 seconds for 30 seconds (aoe, will negate).
That which does not kill you gives you experience points.
Have you used an amped up Fatesinger's Dirge? It doesn't have a stacking effect, but it is a large AoE and does unholy and sonic damage (about 60-80 each with my warchanter).
You may eventually have a Damage Over Time spell in the form of Wall of Sound.
Server - Thelanis
Wounding whispers was the other sonic DoT that slipped in with the enhancement tree accidental sneak peek. It definitely looks like the devs were listening to feedback.
Edit: Harmonic shield was also listed but I did not catch what that actually did. I suppose that could be DoT too. Wounding whispers was listed as d3+2/2 lvls per tic, and 5% physical vulnerability. I don't recall the frequency of each tic or duration of the spell.
Last edited by Aashrym; 11-10-2012 at 12:37 AM.
First I would like to say thank you for keeping this a polite place to play.
I have seen, and do use the Song DoT but I was more thinking of a spell, usable to DoT stack as the other casters have. I mean lets be honest, Bard's are rather underpowered with damage in general, especially compared to the other Arcane Casters.
Cheers again
Volo's Unfinished Saga!
The incomplete nature of Volocamp Geddarn's 'classic' is not only painful to hear, but in fact is so disruptive that the 'listener' willing or otherwise, is subject to a bestow curse effect for the duration of the DoT.