I know it's late in the game for this suggestion and maybe it's already been made but can we get the Gary Gygax Memorial in Delera's turned into a functioning shrine for Mabar?
I know it's late in the game for this suggestion and maybe it's already been made but can we get the Gary Gygax Memorial in Delera's turned into a functioning shrine for Mabar?
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." - Miss Piggy
Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back.~ Cpt. Mal Reynolds
~Peechie Keene~ THAC0
That's an awesome idea!
Though, if you have access to the Delera's pack, you can hop into Delera's part III for a quick completion and come out fully refreshed, or you can go into the quest where you have to light the funeral pyres - there's a shrine right by the door, but you have to use it quickly before the zombies interrupt you.
Yea, it is simple to just hop in that quest and just shrine, but.. I do like the idea of making Garys memorial into a working shrine.
Great suggestion!
Khyber: Evandus, Halfdeadd, Licoricewhip, Sawyn, Elkabongg, Brothanumsi, Soulbro, Cromix.
And an army of gimp experiments!
Alternately, you could have it generate an aura (like the guild ship tavern amenity) that regenerates SP and HP over time. Not as effective as an actual rest shrine, but that way you wouldnt have dozens of people sitting on each other around the shrine.
The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.
Dee Hock
With maybe an additional top tier shipbuff ? (Not all, too laggy) Have we ever seen a functional shrine in a public area though? Is the code already there? if not I think this is unlikely
Lich - Lichclaw - Lichdust - Lichfate - Lichgaze - Lichrot - Lichsoul - Lichvault
Ghallanda ReRolled
DDOCast Contributor http://www.ddocast.com/
The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.
Dee Hock
Ah, yep. /signed
Lich - Lichclaw - Lichdust - Lichfate - Lichgaze - Lichrot - Lichsoul - Lichvault
Ghallanda ReRolled
DDOCast Contributor http://www.ddocast.com/
What might be nice is that it restarts buff timers.
Meaning if you stand within the shrines "aura" for say 1 minute it will act as if all your current buffs were just cast on you.
I can imagine it might steer people into the area on a good day. It should be faster to jump off ship, run and visit Gary, and get back on ship than it is to get on there and run to all the buffs.
And for those who get invited to a higher level ship this would be a place they practically live at!
“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”
Mr. Gygax wouldn't like that.
Rather, he should spawn occasionally during Mabar and whoop the crud out of everyone in his path.
That would be more his style (read: tomb of horrors for an idea how he was as a DM).
Yea, I know about the quests (you can even get motes/collectibles in FBTG if you do it right) but with the different level instances, you always recall to the shared instance which means running to Joe or House J to get back to whichever level instance you were running in.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." - Miss Piggy
Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back.~ Cpt. Mal Reynolds
~Peechie Keene~ THAC0
You have chosen to rest at the SHRINE OF GYGAX! You hear a hollow laugh....
Roll 1d20:
1: All of your items turn to dust, no saving throw, wishes notwithstanding!
2: You are permanently drained 1d4 levels.
3: You are teleported to a random location somewhere in the outer planes.
4: You are teleported to a random location somewhere in the inner planes.
5: You die, and are instantly reincarnated as a... (roll 1d6: 1-Troll, 2-Centaur, 3-Beholder, 4-Rust Monster, 5-Elf, 6-Rot Grub)
6: You gain +1 strength (or +10% exceptional strength)!
7: You gain +2 strength, but lose -4 wisdom!
8: You are polymorphed into the form of an intelligent talking sword. (Roll randomly for sword type on the Intelligent Talking Sword Type table)
9: All of your hair instantly falls out, and your skin turns blue.
10: You gain 1d10 electrum pieces.
11: You are cured 1d100 hit points.
12: You are cured 6d6 hit points.
13: You are cured 3d4 + 2d12 hit points.
14: Your alignment changes one step toward Lawful Good / Chaotic Evil (50% chance of either).
15: You fall asleep. Upon awakening, you fall instantly in love with the first living creature you see.
16: You are fully rested, as if from a full night's sleep.
17: You fall asleep for 1d100 years! Roll for character aging effects.
18: You gain the respect of a silver dragon! You may make up to three requests of the dragon, but it may demand payment...
19: You gain a minor artifact (DM's choice).
20: You gain +4 to all statistics, +100000 gold pieces, and a +5 weapon of your choice. However, you are cursed to live for only one more year. This curse may only be removed by the direct act of a deity.
(Oh, also: /signed)
If they epic voice of the master and mantle of the worldshaper then it would be nice if those shrines became quest entrances to collect the seals, shards, and scrolls for them.
great Idea /signed
Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic
Or you get a +1 mace to defend yourself against drunken robots.