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  1. #1
    Community Member eachna_gislin's Avatar
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    Default DDO needs riddles!

    I love riddles.

    They've been an integral part of nearly every pnp campaign I've played in. They show up all over the place in the old modules (possibly the new stuff too).

    DDO has traps and puzzles and secret doors, which are also pnp staples. Why no riddles?

    If the answer is "because people would memorize the answers", well, yes, they would. But people already memorize the layout of puzzles and the location of trap boxes and secret doors.

    Riddles, please!

  2. #2
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    What about the Litany dragon? And Lockania to a smaller extent.

    /signed though, any diversity is a good thing.
    Completionist Lighthardtt Tuisian of Sarlona
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  3. #3
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Maybe one day DDO will bring tricksters and gnomes to the game then we will have riddles galore! A gal can dream
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  4. #4
    The Hatchery Urist's Avatar
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    Also ADQ1

  5. #5
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    I'll support riddles, only when the game supports my character making a Lore skill check to solve them. Riddles were a poor addition in the 70s, and they're a poor addition now.

  6. #6
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    It would be best served with a very large database of random riddles.

    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
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  7. #7
    Hero AZgreentea's Avatar
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    It would seem that U16 are a step in that direction, with the outcome of the quest being changed depending on what NPC options you pick. Actual riddles would be fun, until you couldn't solve them.
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  8. #8
    Community Member eachna_gislin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by madmaxhunter View Post
    What about the Litany dragon? And Lockania to a smaller extent.

    /signed though, any diversity is a good thing.
    What is the Litany dragon? (Seriously, I don't know).

    Lockania isn't really riddling...she's quizzing.

    But...that does show they have the coding in place to show text questions and choose an answer! So the engine already supports riddles.

    And as for the other person who pointed out that the prequest part with the book? I don't really know what happens there. I've only done the quest a few times and I've been told I can't read the book (I think it reset the animal order if you do?) If that's correct, well that's nice that they put a riddle in there but it sucks that it messes up the quest for more than one person to look at it .

    Still, I have been schooled, so...uhhh...DDO needs *more* riddles .

  9. #9
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    At the end of the Litany quest, a black dragon will ask you a series of questions. You will then go to fight the "boss" based on the answers you give. You must fight all four "bosses" to finish the Litany flagging, you are then flagged for the Abbot raid.
    Completionist Lighthardtt Tuisian of Sarlona
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  10. #10


    In one quest in LOTRO it is all based around emotes.

    Now, DDO has NOWHERE near the amount of emotes lotro has, but multiple riddles can be made to cover the same emote.

    Just something that could be done.

  11. #11
    The Hatchery zwiebelring's Avatar
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    More riddles like adq and Litany please. Everytime I solve a puzzle I think a dev put a green hat on my head along with some fancy long ears....
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by eachna_gislin View Post
    What is the Litany dragon? (Seriously, I don't know).

    Lockania isn't really riddling...she's quizzing.

    But...that does show they have the coding in place to show text questions and choose an answer! So the engine already supports riddles.

    And as for the other person who pointed out that the prequest part with the book? I don't really know what happens there. I've only done the quest a few times and I've been told I can't read the book (I think it reset the animal order if you do?) If that's correct, well that's nice that they put a riddle in there but it sucks that it messes up the quest for more than one person to look at it .

    Still, I have been schooled, so...uhhh...DDO needs *more* riddles .
    The Litany dragon is faced at the end of the Litany of the Dead quest. Depending on how you answer a long series of questions, you either get an instant party wipe or you complete the quest, the floor drops out, and you continue on to one of the 4 optional bosses. Which boss is available depends on how you answered the questions.
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    As for ADQ part 1, yes...that's the part with the book but having more than 1 person look doesn't mess it up. Sometimes the book might reset to a different pattern as people step into the quest though if someone doesn't already have the book open.

  13. #13

  14. #14

  15. #15
    Community Member Bennum's Avatar
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    Maybe in the future if we get a Sphinx.
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  16. #16
    Community Member eachna_gislin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dterror View Post
    The Litany dragon is faced at the end of the Litany of the Dead quest. Depending on how you answer a long series of questions, you either get an instant party wipe or you complete the quest, the floor drops out, and you continue on to one of the 4 optional bosses. Which boss is available depends on how you answered the questions.
    Lawful good (Doomsphere Cholthulzz)
    Lawful Evil (Vampire High Priest)
    Chaotic Good (Fleshmaker Mentau)
    Chaotic Evil (Cinderspawn Cinnis)

    As for ADQ part 1, yes...that's the part with the book but having more than 1 person look doesn't mess it up. Sometimes the book might reset to a different pattern as people step into the quest though if someone doesn't already have the book open.
    Abbot, I've never done the Abbot prequest or raid...I farmed the heck out of the orchard and ran the flagging quests several times but I'm still missing several sigil parts (while having 3 or 4 of the others).

    ADQ, thank you for explaining that, as I said I don't know what really happens with the book. I've always been told not to touch it. Then, someone recites a list of animals and off everyone goes.

    In Prison of the Planes to flag for Tor, there's an optional to be quizzed about what it means to behave in a Lawful manner. That's exactly how I think the riddles should be handled (even though that's not a riddle contest, it's also quizzing like Lockania). Optional, not quest-breaking if you fail them, but you get a little something for succeeding.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    That one really isn't a riddle.
    Nods solemnly and ponders the riddles of character creation....

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by eachna_gislin View Post
    Abbot, I've never done the Abbot prequest or raid...I farmed the heck out of the orchard and ran the flagging quests several times but I'm still missing several sigil parts (while having 3 or 4 of the others).

    ADQ, thank you for explaining that, as I said I don't know what really happens with the book. I've always been told not to touch it. Then, someone recites a list of animals and off everyone goes.

    In Prison of the Planes to flag for Tor, there's an optional to be quizzed about what it means to behave in a Lawful manner. That's exactly how I think the riddles should be handled (even though that's not a riddle contest, it's also quizzing like Lockania). Optional, not quest-breaking if you fail them, but you get a little something for succeeding.
    They aren't really flagging quests, just quests to gather the sigil pieces. If you gather more than 1 complete set of pieces and then TR, you don't have to do any of the Orchard quests again, you can just turn in the completed sigil right away. The only 'flagging' required for abbot is the 4 bosses in Litany. The 'riddles' at the end of Litany is pretty much exactly like the PoP Law room...just a series of questions, always the same series of questions, but different alignment weights to the answers.

    As for PoP, haven't tried running it since patch 15.2, but the Law room was broken with update 14. You can answer all the questions, but the room never end.

  19. #19
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dterror View Post
    As for PoP, haven't tried running it since patch 15.2, but the Law room was broken with update 14. You can answer all the questions, but the room never end.
    Me either, but just to avoid confusion. You can complete the room, you just can't open the door, so you get the xp, you must have someone outside to hit the switch (you have to have someone/hireling/pet outside anyway) and you don't get the orbs. But there are more orbs than slots, so it doesn't really matter.
    Completionist Lighthardtt Tuisian of Sarlona
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by madmaxhunter View Post
    Me either, but just to avoid confusion. You can complete the room, you just can't open the door, so you get the xp, you must have someone outside to hit the switch (you have to have someone/hireling/pet outside anyway) and you don't get the orbs. But there are more orbs than slots, so it doesn't really matter.
    It's also possible to 'lose' one of the 2 chests that spawn because of this bug. I've had it happen on 2 runs so far where 1 of the 2 chests was to spawn in that room, and thus we lost out on one.

    So no, it doesn't really matter (except to loot *****s like me), but it is annoying.

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