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  1. #1
    Community Member jamvaru's Avatar
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    Dec 2009

    Default Half-elf Dilletante: Ranger

    at what point is the character able to use the cure light wounds wand (or scroll) at 100%? I am not sure if it means Ranger level 2 or Caster level 2, when discussing the Cure Light Wounds spell. If it is caster level 2 then the Ranger level would need to be 8? I noticed in the description for the Cleric dilletante that it specifies Cleric caster level 2 and Cleric level 3. Being known as a 2nd level Ranger is rather worthless, as you can't cast any spells till level 4. Is this correct? So, when trying to use a wand you can really only use wands of Ranger level 1, period. If you have Improved Ranger Dilettante III: then you are a Ranger level 4 and Ranger caster level 1? I suppose that is the trade off for having the ranged bonus, vs. being cleric dilletante. Please confirm, thanks.

    I noticed just now I've been mispelling dilettante as diletante... so; don't hate

  2. #2
    Community Member MindCake's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by jamvaru View Post
    at what point is the character able to use the cure light wounds wand (or scroll) at 100%? I am not sure if it means Ranger level 2 or Caster level 2, when discussing the Cure Light Wounds spell. If it is caster level 2 then the Ranger level would need to be 8? I noticed in the description for the Cleric dilletante that it specifies Cleric caster level 2 and Cleric level 3. Being known as a 2nd level Ranger is rather worthless, as you can't cast any spells till level 4. Is this correct? So, when trying to use a wand you can really only use wands of Ranger level 1, period. If you have Improved Ranger Dilettante III: then you are a Ranger level 4 and Ranger caster level 1? I suppose that is the trade off for having the ranged bonus, vs. being cleric dilletante. Please confirm, thanks.

    I noticed just now I've been mispelling dilettante as diletante... so; don't hate
    For wands it's character level. So CLW wand can be used right from level 1, CMW from level 3 and CSW from level 5. That's character level, so, say, rgr 1, barb 4 qualifies. As should ranger dilettante in any configuration.

    For scrolls the listed "rgr 2" is spell level - if you can prepare ranger spells of that level, you can cast it no-fail from scroll. If you could prepare it in a couple class levels, you get 10% penalty for each missing level. The class level of no-fail use should be listed on the scroll, under "no UMD check for ..." I think. So yeah, for CLW scroll, the ranger would need to be 8.
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  3. #3
    Hero nibel's Avatar
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    Level 1 for wands, level 15 for scrolls (and you need to expend AP to buy Improved Ranger Dilettante III).

    Basically, the only thing wands care is if you have the spell on your spell list. Scrolls require class levels (or fake class levels, like the ones dilly gives).
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  4. #4
    Community Member jamvaru's Avatar
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    Dec 2009

    Default thank you

    thanks, i guess that does it; it is just a dillio, after al


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