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  1. #1
    The Hatchery IntrepidBear's Avatar
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    Nov 2007

    Default just Chill.. forget the seriousness.. 'BYOD'

    yes, you read BYOD,

    and it does not translate as 'bring your own death' ( ! )
    forget the usual BYOH too,

    I'm sayin 'Bring your own dance' and have fun, that's what it's really all about..

    or for the role players;

    a parody.. as the song says; 'tonight's gonna be a good game night; ( note the suited tripping wizard at the end lol.. )

    and remember the old message about friends from DDO ?

    p.s. I STILL want a real wizard hat .. *ahem.. DEVS.. a REAL wizzy hat puhleeezz
    ~ Littlemama Whooopass ~
    MysticMountain DragonRiders

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Oct 2011


    I thought it was Bring Your Own Derp...

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Dielzen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Bring Your Own Deathpenalty?
    Playing (and dying) since Open Beta...

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009

    Default Not the BYOD I was expecting

    And I thought you were going to reference a guild run, "Bring Your Own Drink."
    Standard drinking rules apply: If someone dies: drink, If you die: drink twice (I'm real good at this one), If Krieg dies: drink twice, If a scroll drops: drink, If you talk in the wrong channel: drink (I'm real good at this one too)

    Make sure you have a shot ready for shroud, because you know there is a drink comin

  5. #5
    Community Member ZeebaNeighba's Avatar
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    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Nadalis View Post
    [snip]If someone dies: drink, If you die: drink twice [/snip]

    Make sure you have a shot ready for shroud, because you know there is a drink comin
    Or 13? Hm.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Default the other game we play

    ZeebaNeighba, you're totally getting the hang of it. More drinks=better raids.

    I also forgot the other two rules: if you hit the ceiling: drink, and if there is any conversation around portal dps: drink

    Anyone can complete quests, and hunt for good loot. Raidnight we also throw in deathcount contest:
    Guys vs Girls (not kill count, but deathcount)
    Active participation in this game can sometimes lead to better loot, as scientifically proven here:

    In an attempt to even the teams, Canadians get to join the girls team.
    Sometimes determining Canadian status is easy through their accent, "I need a few scale from this shroud eh,” or “I’m looking for the shard of the Hellstroke Greataxe eh.” Unfortunately you can’t always tell from their accent, but luckily the spelling of their character can be a dead giveaway:
    Zee e bee eh? en e eye gee aitch bee eh?
    You must be Canuckish, which also means you'd benefit from above average healing if you pugged a spot in a guild run.

    Much to guennie’s chagrin, some Canadians logged in after typical Canadian curfew last night. Despite the pugged spots, the girls still won the contest rather handily.
    Last edited by Nadalis; 09-30-2012 at 07:28 PM. Reason: Sometimes my sentence structure matches my six-year-old son's.

  7. #7
    Community Member ZeebaNeighba's Avatar
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    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Nadalis View Post
    In an attempt to even the teams, Canadians get to join the girls team.
    Sometimes determining Canadian status is easy through their accent, "I need a few scale from this shroud eh,” or “I’m looking for the shard of the Hellstroke Greataxe eh.” Unfortunately you can’t always tell from their accent, but luckily the spelling of their character can be a dead giveaway:
    Zee e bee eh? en e eye gee aitch bee eh?
    You must be Canuckish, which also means you'd benefit form above average healing if you pugged a spot in a guild run.

    Ever read pearls before sw-...screw it, never mind.

    It's technically "Zebra Neighbor" a "Crocese" accent.

  8. #8
    Community Member ka0t1c1sm's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    This is the forums.

    It's "Bring Your Own DOOooooo00om!"

    Morgulion • Romenion • Valmyrion • Vanielle • Zandrine • Zeldaryne • Zinnuviel

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Dec 2010


    A wizard hat would be KOOL as hell.

    Dev's / designers and the wizzy hat. plz!

    +1 /signed

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009

    Default yeah a wizard hat

    Throw a wizard in the caught in the web to give something for casters. Since we are so "leet" that we can take on Lolth, we can punk Elminster and steal his hat.

    Grandpa Aumar's Hat - Hat: Insightful Wisdom +2, Spell Casting Implement 98, Enchantment and Transmutation Mastery, Elminster's Effulgent Epuration, Otto's Irresistible Dance, and Contingency [ML:24]

  11. #11
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    How about making it part of the war wizard set by unlocking it with Harper favor.

    And, I guess we ought to make it work in DDO rules better (since we don't have all the dnd spells and understandably so).

    Grandpa Aumar's Hat - Hat: Insightful Wisdom +2, Spell Casting Implement 98, Enchantment and Transmutation Mastery, Spell Absorption 10/day, Otto's Irresistible Dance[ML:24] (With a a hidden contingency effect like the docent of defiance that will restore HP and SP like a heal spell and a major pot if you are under 50hp and 50 sp)

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