Hey what's happening all? I hope you are ready for U15, Song of Druid's Deep. They definitely have an interesting story in store for us this time. I thought I would let you know that DDM's Realm has the quest walkthroughs and stats up. They can be found here:
Outbreak: http://www.ddmsrealm.com/index.php/2...st-walkthrough
Overgrowth: http://www.ddmsrealm.com/index.php/2...st-walkthrough
Thorn and Paw: http://www.ddmsrealm.com/index.php/2...st-walkthrough
The Druid's Curse: http://www.ddmsrealm.com/index.php/2...st-walkthrough
Have fun with the new quest series The Druid's Curse. Make sure you take your plant bane weapons along with you!
PS: I have had some questions about the item database and lack of recent updates. I have recently converted the whole structure of the database. Which as you can guess is a huge undertaking. I have had some issues with some of the backend tools that I need to recreate to be able to enter the data easily. I am almost there and I hope to start loading up the item database soon. So rest assured it is not forgotten. I will get it going for you all as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience.
In the meantime check out the new guides!
Play smarter, not harder!