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Thread: Favor Question

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Favor Question

    How does favor work once you hit level 20 (through 25)?

    Here's what I see on my level 20 fighter.

    I ran Lords of Dust pre-u14 at level 20 on elite. I got 21 Silver Flame Favor for the level 16 quest. On the Compendium it shows as Elite 21.

    Since then I have run it on Epic Normal and Epic Hard many times, but my top favor still shows as Elite 21. (I have not run it on Epic Elite, just Heroic)

    Post u14 I ran Spinner for the first time on my level 20 fighter (same one). It was just Epic Normal for a quick flag to access the new content. It shows in my Compendium Epic with 7 points of favor for the silver flame.

    7 points on a level 16 quest wold be the equivalent of running it on Heroic normal. However I ran it in Epic Normal, which is harder.

    In my mind now that quests have higher levels the Epic favor should be spread out, but still commiserate with the difficulty. I would expect Epic Normal to be harder that Heroic Elite. So if it were possible for a level 9 to run Epic Normal they would have a harder time. Similar if I was level 20 and ran a quest on Heroic Hard I should get less favor than if I ran it on Epic Normal. In this case though I would not. I would get the "hard" level of favor even though I ran it on an easier setting.

    Is this WAI? I can't imagine it is.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Yes, it is WAI. Epic no longer gives special amounts of favor, unfortunately. Normal is normal, hard is hard, and elite is elite, regardless of heroic/epic level. Makes things like the 375 PDK favor a real pain to try and get.

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