ok, so i found that finding all the monsters on the wiki was slow, hard to get hold of them all, and sometimes incomplete.
So I thought to myself: "we need some place which keeps track of all the monster manual monsters, easy to read, and able to add them to by the community. I know, I'll make one!"
Here's the result: My Monster Manual
I am filling it out as you read this with all the monsters I've done (I'll update their level later when I remember/find them).
The best bit: anyone can update it! Just press the +, add the monster, and click the tick! Done!
Hope this helps some people!
Please do not transcribe entries from DDOWiki, many of those do not actually appear in the Monster Manual (sometimes they are not killable enemies, sometimes they just do not register in the ingame Monster Manual)
ONLY add entries that you personally have in your Monster Manual ingame.
Thank you.
I will edit this with updates to the system
Site is up and running, and waiting for input.
Volume I and II catagories have been added!
Subcatagories are Toggleable
Button added to toggle show/hide all catagories
The site now remembers which volumes you have shown/hidden, and what races are collapsed, so it shows the same when you next visit.
You can report a broken/incorrect entry by pressing the [!] at the end of the line.