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  1. #1
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    Default Seal of House Dun'Robar bugged

    I have a seal with tendonslice 10%/ maiming/ vertigo +10/ +6 enhancement. the tendonslice and maiming worked fine at first but now i do not get any hamstrings or any untyped damage on critical hits. I am not getting any armor bonus from the ring either. the general tab registers the trip dc upon equip, but it is hard to tell whether that is effective when actually using the feat. I went through that quest a lot to get this thing please address if possible.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    Have you tried relogging/ e-equipping?

    Do any other items overlap? (Do you have tendon slice elsewhere?)

    Do you have any other new items that are non-weapons that are granting extra damage mods?

  3. #3
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    Being another owner of the ring (Its actually the one posted on the wiki. Stunning 10/Exceptional combat mastery 5/Maiming/+6 enhancement bonus) I can confirm that at least for hand wraps the Maiming doesn't work and I've tried unequpping everything and re-equipping and the +6 doesn't seem to be working either.

  4. #4
    Community Member Lurzifer's Avatar
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    The Original Rings were:
    Lesser random ability
    +4% Dodge
    Combat Mastery ( one of 10% tendon, vertigo, stunning, shatter and +5 Exceptional)

    Currently there are two versions dropping, the original version and the version with +6 enhancement, maiming and another combat mastery ability.

    Since the Drowweapons are dropping from the same quests sometimes without stats and ML (known Bug), i assume that the rings are part of that bug as well and the properties of the Drow weapons (exactly whats addiotinal on the rings beside original stats) are applied to the rings at some point.

    This is with 99,9% a bug and will probably be fixed to the original state of the Rings.

    Haek N' Slay (©ompletionist Juggernaut / Zeus Life 61 of 61)My Toon is better than your toon.Mitis Mors - Thelanis

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunkerk View Post
    I have a seal with tendonslice 10%/ maiming/ vertigo +10/ +6 enhancement. the tendonslice and maiming worked fine at first but now i do not get any hamstrings or any untyped damage on critical hits. I am not getting any armor bonus from the ring either. the general tab registers the trip dc upon equip, but it is hard to tell whether that is effective when actually using the feat. I went through that quest a lot to get this thing please address if possible.
    Awww crud, I just spent 2M plat on one of these, haven't had a chance to rework my gear to fit it in yet.

    The one I bought has tendonslice, maiming, vertigo, +6 enhancement, 4% dodge, +2 str. I was curious about the maiming, tendonslice, and +6...

    I was wondering if the maiming & tendonslice were handwrap-only enhancements, similar to TOD rings... or if they are intended to work with melee weapons.

    And the +6 enhancement... what even does that mean? Armor enhancement bonus? Weapon enhancement bonus? Both? Seems ambiguous, which implies a possible bug or unintended effect to me - especially after getting a bit of context from this thread.
    Last edited by Dingleburr; 07-23-2012 at 10:31 AM.

  6. #6
    Developer Feather_of_Sun's Avatar
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    Yes, that's a bugged one that, due to a mistake in how something was set up, also gained the weapon abilities that are supposed to go on the Drow weapons in that quest.

    An enhancement bonus and Maiming on a ring won't do anything at all, nor are they supposed to.

    The ring is only supposed to have an ability score bonus, 4% Dodge, and then one single type of combat feat DC boost, such as Vertigo, Stunning, Exceptional Combat Mastery, etc.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    Yes, that's a bugged one that, due to a mistake in how something was set up, also gained the weapon abilities that are supposed to go on the Drow weapons in that quest.

    An enhancement bonus and Maiming on a ring won't do anything at all, nor are they supposed to.

    The ring is only supposed to have an ability score bonus, 4% Dodge, and then one single type of combat feat DC boost, such as Vertigo, Stunning, Exceptional Combat Mastery, etc.
    *#!%@. You owe me 2M plat.

  8. #8
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    Already bug reported. But the Dodge 4 is only giving Dodge 3 at the moment. Hope that gets fixed soon as well.

  9. #9
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    When the bug is fixed will the rings already in circulation be changed retroactively? I sure hope not I've grown very attached to my ring with Combat mastery and Stunning 10 on it.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by terrenceknight1 View Post
    When the bug is fixed will the rings already in circulation be changed retroactively? I sure hope not I've grown very attached to my ring with Combat mastery and Stunning 10 on it.
    You could say it's bound to you.

    But yeah...will the rings already spawned be...changed?
    ME BARB, ME SMA-ok I stand here with pretty blue lines around me. ok I take damage. ok bye.

  11. #11
    Developer Feather_of_Sun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terrenceknight1 View Post
    When the bug is fixed will the rings already in circulation be changed retroactively?
    Yes. This will be retroactive. Because I have to manually set up what it does in each instance of every possible combination of the effects, I'll try to make them pick the "best" one to keep. They'll all keep Exceptional Combat Mastery if they have that plus something else, and if not, Stunning is generally the next most useful, so I'll have that win out over any of the others but Combat Mastery.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kielbasa View Post
    the Dodge 4 is only giving Dodge 3 at the moment.
    I'll look into that right now, thanks.

    The issue with the bugged rings and Drow weapons will be added to the Known Issues list today.

  12. #12
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    Well I will be most grateful if you can pull it off so they keep mastery and one other attribute like you intend. So I just want to say thank you for the response in this thread! Having Ex Combat mastery +Stunning on the ring remain after the fix would really make my day.

    (..yeah I don't want to have to pull out my stunning wraps from the bank after getting used to not needing them anymore )

  13. #13
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dingleburr View Post
    *#!%@. You owe me 2M plat.
    Or, a repair recipe in the Stone of Change.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  14. #14
    Community Member Paryan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terrenceknight1 View Post
    Well I will be most grateful if you can pull it off so they keep mastery and one other attribute like you intend. So I just want to say thank you for the response in this thread! Having Ex Combat mastery +Stunning on the ring remain after the fix would really make my day.

    (..yeah I don't want to have to pull out my stunning wraps from the bank after getting used to not needing them anymore )
    You may have misread Feather's post. If it has mastery, it would keep that. If it doesn't have mastery, but has stunning, it would keep stunning. Not both. The idea is to keep the most valuable trait, but it would still only have one trait that affects combat tactics.
    Agro - Paryan, Pary, Parrii, Parriahh

  15. #15
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    Ah well that will be a sad day then I guess I'll have to get my grave wrappings prepped to be pulled out of storage.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    Yes. This will be retroactive. Because I have to manually set up what it does in each instance of every possible combination of the effects, I'll try to make them pick the "best" one to keep. They'll all keep Exceptional Combat Mastery if they have that plus something else, and if not, Stunning is generally the next most useful, so I'll have that win out over any of the others but Combat Mastery.
    Is Stunning really "generally the next most useful" thing to appear on the ring?

    Stunning only works on trash mobs and has no effect on bosses. Vertigo only works on trash mobs and has no effect on bosses. Shattered works on everything, except I think ooze.

    Personally I'd argue that Shattered is the better option, so that the gold and silver discs stay up on boss fights. Much like the argument to not nerf the Terror if Nightmare is being nerfed, what does it matter if it only works on trash and not the important fights? Shouldn't melees have more tools for the end fights?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    Yes. This will be retroactive. Because I have to manually set up what it does in each instance of every possible combination of the effects, I'll try to make them pick the "best" one to keep. They'll all keep Exceptional Combat Mastery if they have that plus something else, and if not, Stunning is generally the next most useful, so I'll have that win out over any of the others but Combat Mastery.

    I'll look into that right now, thanks.

    The issue with the bugged rings and Drow weapons will be added to the Known Issues list today.
    for the 4% dodge, that seems to be with any 4% Item (duelist leathers, and icy garments), it only adds 3% for most cases (although there is some instances where I can get it to come up as 4% (like unequipping and reequipping my epic cloak of night))

    there is a thread about it:

  18. #18
    Community Member Thar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oradafu View Post
    Is Stunning really "generally the next most useful" thing to appear on the ring?

    Stunning only works on trash mobs and has no effect on bosses. Vertigo only works on trash mobs and has no effect on bosses. Shattered works on everything, except I think ooze.

    Personally I'd argue that Shattered is the better option, so that the gold and silver discs stay up on boss fights. Much like the argument to not nerf the Terror if Nightmare is being nerfed, what does it matter if it only works on trash and not the important fights? Shouldn't melees have more tools for the end fights?
    I'd rather have stunning, but i have no ring atm so it doesn't matter.
    Member of "Guild of the Black Dragons" & "Swords of the Light" on Sarlona. Proud "Last" member of Caffeine - we aint stragicially savy.

  19. #19
    Community Member -Zephyr-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oradafu View Post
    Is Stunning really "generally the next most useful" thing to appear on the ring?

    Stunning only works on trash mobs and has no effect on bosses. Vertigo only works on trash mobs and has no effect on bosses. Shattered works on everything, except I think ooze.

    Personally I'd argue that Shattered is the better option, so that the gold and silver discs stay up on boss fights. Much like the argument to not nerf the Terror if Nightmare is being nerfed, what does it matter if it only works on trash and not the important fights? Shouldn't melees have more tools for the end fights?
    Shatter also exists on other pieces of gear, like epic marilith chain.
    I'd much rather keep stunning, please.

    I'd still like to keep my old ring as is of course...
    Last edited by -Zephyr-; 07-23-2012 at 02:55 PM.

  20. #20
    Community Member Meretrix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    Yes. This will be retroactive. Because I have to manually set up what it does in each instance of every possible combination of the effects, I'll try to make them pick the "best" one to keep. They'll all keep Exceptional Combat Mastery if they have that plus something else, and if not, Stunning is generally the next most useful, so I'll have that win out over any of the others but Combat Mastery.

    But when they were bugged to bind on pickup and were fixed it wasn't retro active. Ive never equipped my ring and yet its bound.

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