I've bug reported this on live; has anyone received any trap parts while disarming on L-land?
I've bug reported this on live; has anyone received any trap parts while disarming on L-land?
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
... haven't checked yet in all content but I stopped wasting my time un-trapping bear traps in the Kings Forest. Neither XP, nor trap parts, just nuthing![]()
Still nothing on trap parts.
I guess it was more important to nerf FOM than to fix bugs.
I did find an option to use greater essences instead of trap parts to turn handwraps into collars.
No trap parts for me either and that's across all servers, from lvl 7-19.
Now being lvl 22 I am bummed about the bear traps, there should be mechicanal parts given as for the spellwards well those should give parts too. Or tools need to be dropping in chests more. I'm a Elf Rogue, as much as I love (note sarcism) getting dwarf axes they are only good for making tools and I can't make tools without the parts.
Nope, and hopefully never again.
... but that could be since i've only been playing for a couple weeks, apparantly since the last update. Based on some of the comments, maybe I don't want to be finding parts but would like to have the game fully functional if possible.
Trap parts are scavenaged from disbaled traps, so if you can't do that, don't worry about not being seeing parts or getting parts. Those parts are made into tools or traps and dog parts for the artificers.
Some of use need those parts. If you didn't want the parts, they could have been auctioned off for someone who might want/need them.
just something else they have broke and still cant figure out how to fix.