Hordo or Leslie or any of the pro bard players which epic feat should I take?
Following Hordo's Warchanter of Vengeance build here(It's not the one posted in the OP it's a bit further down on the 1st page):
Also I tweaked the starting stats a bit you should see my post on the 1st page further down.
(essentially it's a 32 point helf pally dilly 14 bard warchanter 2 6 FvS AoV 1)
I *want* to take Inspire Excellence *however* prereq is inspire heroics which is ML bard 15 dddduuurrr!!!
So any not sure what if any other feat to take on this build specifically would appreciate any & all helpful feedback/ideas/advice etc.
Please explain why if listing a feat! Thanks in advance & greatly appreciated! :P!!