Taking a break because I'm so hungry I can't think straight. Local food place refused our order because they can't handle the volume... (guess they don't usually do so much business on a Saturday).
Timbits would come in handy right about now. I'm resorting to the candy dish located in our meeting room that I try to keep filled (you wouldn't believe how fast these guys can plow through all this stuff, I'm going to keep their dentists very happy). I'm bad though - once I start...
This week has been super intense, but fun. We're at the stage where all the bits and pieces come together and start to gel. The environments are getting lots of deco and lighting attention, driven by our lead artist. I thought the King's Forest with all its mini biomes was impressive, but the Underdark and Demonweb are absolutely spectacular. You guys are in for a treat.
Thanks to all who provided feedback in the Active vs Passive clickies thread. In case you're curious, it wasn't about changing any existing mechanics so much as shaping new mechanics (related to abilities gained from Epic Destinies and new enhancements). Obviously we want to strike the right balance between everyone's preferred playstyles and I wanted to contrast the feedback we got from our Mournlands folk with what your thoughts were.
I'm hoping that I will be able to share some AC news with you this week. Also, a dev article about Epic Destinies (which are very powerful enhancements that can be earned from level 20+) is making its way through the official process and will hopefully be released shortly - then I'll be able to start getting your feedback on it. I'm really looking forward to this.
Oh well, back to work so I can get out of here at a reasonable hour...