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Thread: Lfm Lfg

  1. #1
    Community Member gordgray's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Post Lfm Lfg

    Ok so we all know what thy stands for Right? So have you ever been looking for some one to complete your group and could not? I look at the Social under grouping and rarely find people who are running quest I need to do. so I check mark the I am looking for a parity but get no response so why have it if all cant see it? It would be nice if thy could put a tab in the social with the persons name that thy are looking for a group and want to run so ya don't have to look Thur WHO what do you think?
    The Rogues Guild - Sarlona
    How did that get in here? Hay give that back O that’s yours? Sorry
    Gordgray Gord of gray Hawk Rogues do it from behind

  2. #2
    Community Member Zyerz's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    This already exists. You simply go to the Grouping panel, enable "Looking for Group", and any party leader can go to the Who panel and filter: "Show me only players looking for groups" and find you there. You can even put a message below on your Player Note and state what quest preferences you have, or whatever you need.

    Thing is, rarely anyone uses the looking for group command at all...
    Last edited by Zyerz; 04-16-2012 at 12:16 PM.

    "Hikari datte, yami datte, kitto"

    Into light, into darkness, surely.

  3. #3
    Community Member gordgray's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Wink thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by Zyerz View Post
    This already exists. You simply go to the Grouping panel, enable "Looking for Group", and any party leader can go to the Who panel and filter: "Show me only players looking for groups" and find you there. You can even put a message below on your Player Note and state what quest preferences you have, or whatever you need.

    Thing is, rarely anyone uses the looking for group command at all...
    lol all the time iv played I have checked the lfg and have not received any answer for it that's why I posted and thanks for the answer
    The Rogues Guild - Sarlona
    How did that get in here? Hay give that back O that’s yours? Sorry
    Gordgray Gord of gray Hawk Rogues do it from behind

  4. #4
    Community Member Zyerz's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by gordgray View Post
    lol all the time iv played I have checked the lfg and have not received any answer for it that's why I posted and thanks for the answer
    Yeah the option exists, but the problem is very few people actually use it, so not many party leaders go and search for people in the Who panel, and If they do, its more likely they want a healer.

    "Hikari datte, yami datte, kitto"

    Into light, into darkness, surely.

  5. #5
    Forum Turtle
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    SO instead of checking the lfg option and sitting around waiting for people to notice, why exactly don't you just post a lfm with the quest you want on the groupings tab? Honestly, when I post lfm's, I trust that the other players are smart enough to look over the groups panel and see what is offered and if they want to do it or not. I don't even troll the list you're referring to as the groups fill from the groupings tab ad just fine. WHich is probably why you don't get any answers, I think most people looking for members just use the handy dandy groupings pane.
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