Last night was really bad for DDO, and therefore, for my playing experience.
First while running And the Dead Shall Rise i got a black screen right after killing the lich (thanks to an experienced player in the party). I couldn't see anything, UI either. I could only hear sounds and was able to write in chat (without seeing it, using just enter and other keys...), DDO was not "responding" in task manager.
Luckily, my party waited for me to log off and back on, and i got all xp and loot, or else i d have trashed about 1 hour of playing (my first run there).
All my config is always the same, but i am getting these black screens only recently.
Then, later, i sent an item from my alt, 1000 siberys fragments and i got this screen:
Can't detach, as you see, 26 empty slots, but it says i should check for full inventory or exclusivity of the item. None of the above, just a bug.
Nothing important, right, in fact i really hope that won't happen to anyone with valuable items.
At last but not least; I had a third tier silver flame talisman farmed in my previous life in necropolis (11 negative energy absorptions) the other day i go to necropolis to farm favors in necro1 quests.
So i start to talk with all the quest givers. Well, my talisman get erased from my inventory:
No confirm message asked anf puff, you lose an item requiring you about 15 (more?) quests to be obtained. Guess what? Bug report form didn t even work that day (logged me off)
Well i would like to have it back now... but i m afraid i ll need to run necros again...
I want to add these broken game mechanics next to bugs, this and the threnal pack where you can erase your progress while talking to a simple npc must be improved.
EDIT: Well, actually, it is not a broken game mechanic as i stated previously. It is actually a known bug (from players) that destroys an item you acquire after running several quests. And after being destroyed it can't be found on buy back tab.
So, judging from regular game mechanics perspective, it should be considered a bug in my humble opinion.
Just add a big red flashing message saying: "You are about to lose this X item in order to obtain this Y item" or, in the threnal quests case "You are gonna lose your progress if you confirm this dialog box".
Hard to do? I don't know. Needed? YES
Please let us continue playing DDO, do not let it be buried in bugs and broken mechanics.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. lost about 30 minutes only to submit these bugs (15 minutes to load the bug report form and more 15 to actually write those).