I feel that whenever a drow character is in the Underdark, they should receive some racial benefit to show their familiarity with their surroundings.
Something like a +2 attack bonus or a +5 bonus to search and spot checks. Any other ideas?
I feel that whenever a drow character is in the Underdark, they should receive some racial benefit to show their familiarity with their surroundings.
Something like a +2 attack bonus or a +5 bonus to search and spot checks. Any other ideas?
+1000 intimidate on the basis they are despised for leaving the underdark in the first place, more hated than surface dwellers themselves.
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Eberron Drow are from the jungles of Xen'drik, they have no familiarity with the Underdark that the Forgotten Realms Drow inhabit.
IMHO if they Devs want to make Drow the theme of MotU then they should buff Drows to make them more appealing.
Otherwise im almost sorry for all this folks who roll a drow to be like drizzt, and then discover there is nothing to look at.
Recently i have seen a splash screen "Play the Drow, they are THAT cool!" and must resist to not laught.
On more serious note, it will be cool if we can roll a underdark drow with some FR perks (like xbow as racial weapon).
Last edited by licho; 03-18-2012 at 08:45 PM.