Hi, I'm planning my first cahracter and could use some adice on feats/enhancements. I'm having trouble understanding if you get more punch per spell point if you take maximize/heighten and reduce the costs, or if you just power up the spells of your choice with enhancements. I see the big advantage max/height coming in flexibility as they could be applied to all damage types, but I suspect for that reason maxing out 2 damage types will give you more damage output potential. And for that matter, by concentrating so hard on damage per spell point, am I really hosing myself in crowd control and utility spells? Here is what I was thinking of doing:
Halfling, Rogue at level 1 and level 7ish, wiz every other level.
Level 1 (AP: 0/4)
Level 2 (AP: 4/8) Wizard Energy of the Scholar I, Frost Manipulation I, Flame Manipulation I, Extra Dragonmark Use I
Level 3 (AP: 10/12) Wizard Improved Maximizing I, Glacial Spellcasting I, Wizard Intelligence I, Combustive Spellcasting I
Level 4 (AP: 14/16) Frost Manipulation II, Deadly Ice I, Flame Manipulation II, Deadly Flame I
Level 5 (AP: 15/20) Wizard Subtle Spellcasting I
Level 6 (AP: 21/24)Wizard Energy of the Scholar II, Frost Manipulation III, Flame Manipulation III, Extra Dragonmark Use II
Level 7 (AP: 27/28) Wizard Improved Maximizing II, Deadly Ice II, Deadly Flame II
Level 8 (AP: 30/32) Wizard Subtle Spellcasting II, Frost Manipulation IV
Level 9 (AP: 35/36) Wizard Intelligence II, Flame Manipulation IV
Level 10(AP: 38/40) Extra Dragonmark Use III
Level 11(AP: 44/44) Flame Manipulation V, Wizard Energy of the Scholar III, Frost Manipulation V, Deadly Ice III
Level 12(AP: 45/48) Deadly Flame III
Level 13(AP: 51/52) Wizard Improved Maximizing III
Level 14(AP: 56/56) Wizard Subtle Spellcasting III, Frost Manipulation VI, Flame Manipulation VI
Level 15(AP: 58/60) Deadly Ice IV, Deadly Flame IV
Level 16(AP: 64/64) Wizard Intelligence III
Level 17(AP: 68/68) Wizard Energy of the Scholar IV
Level 18(AP: 72/72) Frost Manipulation VII, Flame Manipulation VII, Combustive Spellcasting II, Combustive Spellcasting III
Level 19(AP: 76/76) Extra Dragonmark Use IV
Level 20(AP: 80/80) Wizard Subtle Spellcasting IV
1 Least Dragon Mark
2 Maximize Spell Spell
3 Lesser Dragon Mark
6 Greter Dragon Mark
6 Insightful Evasion
9 Augument Summoning
12 Mental Toughness
12 Spell Penetration
15 Greater Spell Penetration
17 Improved Mental Toughness
18 Heighten Spell