A crafting system using ingredients gained from PvP matchups.
That way people might actually PvP more, and learn to like it.
A crafting system using ingredients gained from PvP matchups.
That way people might actually PvP more, and learn to like it.
No because it can be really exploitable.
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because there are way to many lowbies who wil get killed buy 1 spell so no..unless its against same lvl group...
Community Member
So people can just dual box and get whatever the items are? nah no thanks.
Maybe if PvP was really a part of the game and not just a blip of a sideshow then maybe....
if said resulting crafted items are useable in pvp only, and become greyed out/broken/unequiped as soon as you leave a pvp zone, then sure, am all for it.
But the second you try to make the broken 'rejects from counterstrike' pvp we have here a must-do to get stuff for pve? No. Never. Ever.
(That Guy! build) http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=3957241#p3957241
PVP is its own reward.
Community Member
No, because I hate PVP and my opinion is the only one that matters (/sarcasm for those with low sense motive checks)
Coldest and Gunga
Level 25/Female/Warforged/Wizard
Level 22/Male/Dwarf/Favored Soul
Level 10/8/Male/Warforged/Sorcerer + Barbarian/6th past life
Community Member
PVP is fine how ddo has it.
PVP has destroyed a bunch of MMO's the main reason people leave mmo's is constant Nerf's that make you respec till you throw up. PVP in most mmos is the cause of nerf's due to one class being dominant at it for whatever reason.
Ddo is good all around currently my only problem with this game so far is LAG! if they fix that I will be so so so happy and I bet i will finally be able to get some of my friends to join this game.
massivheals / massivsponge - Orien server
Member of Blood bath and Beyond
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Last edited by fuzzy1guy; 01-29-2012 at 11:12 PM.
/not signed
A leader boards system would be nice for pvp players, but pvp should not influence the rest of the game in any way shape or form.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
No because it is as some else said very exploitable and for other reasons that have been said before
Beware the Sleepeater
Last edited by BlackyLigar; 04-16-2012 at 01:46 PM.
1 word.
If people can take the initiative to farm thousands and thousands of kills on some xbox game, imagine what you could do in real life time not having to refind a server and load er up?
Any rewards worth having would ultimately make the pve equivalent null and void.
Then theirs the economy aspect. I'm sure as soon as it happened people would advertise, I'll let you kill me for cash lol.
Ive seen where try and implement this good gear for pvp. A couple of games that are solely pvp based in instanced matches still just screwed it up. I really don't think a pve game can ever be really a pvp in any form without combining the 2 much like rallos on eq1. And even then that takes a certain player base because all it really is, is a pvp server to troll anything.
lotr has this whole monster pvp sub game. Head over there and feel what real p's v p is.
Yeah, the games that use factions and prevent direct communication combined with open instances can control for this pretty well. DDO doesn't (and shouldn't) have this kind of thing.
Just *maybe* if they could engineer a "battleground" server that could pit server vs. server and, therefore, prohibit communication with a permanent PvP flag against other server players then, well, maybe that could work. I'm not sure there would be enough interest in that...maybe as an event? Sounds like a lot more work would be required that it would be worth.
Server v Server PvP sounds like it could be fun to do once in a very great while. Maybe server rewards for winning. XP, loot bonuses for a couple of days. Again, though, no idea what that would take to setup.
no rly what is thie REAL pvp business people throw out.....
if you want Real pvp in an rpg then go duel in diabloii lod hardcore(permadeath).
i dont see any reason to go anywhere else to pvp when very simple lines of programing could make ddo perfectly viable.