That was the first time I saw a Drow.
I was introduced to DnD the year before by my mum on vacation. We had a good time, my mom as the DM, and the rest of the people on vacation playing various classes. I was an Elf. Yep, Elf as a class. I think I died being bit by a poison spider.
Everyone else went on with their normal lives, I became an addict. Those AD&D books are burned into my mind from those early years. Every picture memorized. Every list known, and usually I can still remember what page they were on. Lucky for me we had a great bookstore in my hometown that had a huge game section. My DM bought G1-3 (The giants series) and D1-3 the Drow series. A Drow? What was that? Evil elves that hate everything good in the world? Sparks the imagination. Imagine Elrond not only bad, but super powerful and EVIL, not just evil. Finally a villain worthy of my hero Lannon's time. Remember this was the days of dungeon crawls, not high drama or 'storytelling is king' that the game has evolved into.
On it went, defeating the Drow and their nefarious plans, traveling the Underdark for about a year, Kao-toa piercers, Shriekers, Xorns, a purple worm (who ate our human paladin), mind flayers, and other nasties. Then Q1 came out. Waaait. We are going to fight a goddess? On a different plane, in her home? And she has a AC of -10?!? We all gleefully died that afternoon, and even though a year of a good character was lost, we had a ton of fun.
Forgotten Realms, really?
Pinch me!
Lolth is back in my life, little Drow are running around the office, and our destination is the Forgotten Realms? Seriously, this is a dream come true. I have to chuckle about all the arguments I had with my parents back in the 80's about wasting my time with D&D and designing my own games and worlds. I guess I won those arguments 25 years later…
So now you know why we have been busy, and hopefully some confusion of what we have been doing is clearer.
In the short term, we are wrapping up a bugfix-only patch hopefully today for next week, and tromping along with Update 13.
Most of the patch will fix things we broke in December. There is some fixes to Challenges, loot and lag. And that is about it.
EDIT: See how excited I am? Go Patriots! I feel so ashamed. Well, on the day after the anniversary of the Snow Bowl when all of NE fell in love with a kicker, and all of Oakland was wondering what a tuck rule was may we as fans get a fantastic game on Sunday.