What are your thoughts on the overall difficulty of DDO? Sure, we offer difficulty choices, but do you find yourself in a postion where even Normal difficulty feels too much like hard?
If so, do you associate this with a given level in the game (e.g. 10+) or do you think there is just too much inconsistency throughout?
What's the right balance of challenge vs success for YOU? Do you expect to never fail when playing Normal - or would that simply bore you?
I'm raising this subject for a few reasons. I think a lot of people expect that when it comes to an MMO, if you put time in you must get progress/reward out of it - and that failure is just plain bad. Spending 45 minutes into a quest only to fail can be very frustrating.
We have been accused (and perhaps there's truth to this) that we've been balancing the game for the uber-player. Are you finding this to be the case? It seems like a couple years ago the salient message from the community was 'enough with the easy button already!'
Would love to know your thoughts on this. Feel free to reference specific quests.