I've played around with lots of characters to about 6 or so and my favorite so far was my halfling warchanter who twf and tried to tackle traps.
However the problem I had with her (as all my characters are female...) was that the bard spells came to late for my taste - so I decided I will stay pure... or if I splash it will be much later in life after I get all the important spells as soon as possible.
The other problem was the tiny SP pool, I wanted to be able to heal a little bit, but the SP pool was to ridiculous for that - I ended up using wands most of the time, but that gets expensive - at least for me.
Most importantly what I want most out of my bard is CC. The thing that I loved the most was fascinating everything.
I do my homework before building a character - even my twf warchanter was carefully planned out, but of course real experience teaches things too.
Now I haven't decided on a Pre but i'm leaning towards a virtuoso - as I said my number one goal is CC and even better, from what I understand the Virts CC will not be broken by things like glancing blows. As well, I tend to solo or at most play with my father... who is really more of a handicap most times (doesn't take a lot of prestiges, doesn't like to listen to advice... I could go on for a while.)
The SP pool still makes me cringe, so I'm also considering spellsinger so I can heal myself and others.
The other thing is I need to melee - I mean bards don't have any damage spells, so I need to do something for damage when I solo.
There is a strong possibility I will lesser reincarnate at 12 ish or so to fix up the build - for example to get rid of negotiator on the Virt pre.
all that said I want to be able to contribute in high lvl raids.
Now perhaps something has been patched or I'm missing something but I have heard that dynastic falcata's will allow me to use my charisma score instead of strength score for damage and to-hit.
if true, I think my goal might be easier than I thought. Unless that is some sort of super rare drop.
The information on the wiki about the weapon says nothing about that as far as I can tell though.
Here is where I read it: