Hey All,
I am going to TR to my third life after the grind (maybe another month or two) and I want a clear(er) picture of what I want. I will have a ranger and fighter past life. My goal is a epic end game rogue build (I am running epics/ house d,k,and p) I am thinking I want to go with Helf AA (six levels of ranger) and then 14 in rogue. I want to have assassinate Pre and be able to do traps (epic level) ((should I stay pure rogue?)). I will have a pair of epic midnight greetings. A pair of hooked blades (destruction and vampiric... limb chop is AWSOME). No lit two weapons but GS goggles for HP (+45) and stone skin and GS HolyX3 GS Bow w/rez clickie and triple acid long sword with summon EE on that (gonna try for 20 runs in shroud for cleansing). Epic midnight cloak and unlocked tinkers set as well as trying for ToD rings (none yet, lol). There is some epic stuff from House P I am trying to get for next life as well.
I am currently on Dark Star's AWSOME Helf Angels build tweaked for longbow Kensei. I now realise UMD is very important as I never really invested in that.
If some one could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it as I never really played around with rogues that much. The questions I have are...
• What levels do I take first
• What feats and what order
• Enhancement lines to maximize HP and toughness with out forgetting other important stuff like Pre and general stuff that is important like spot, umd and lock pick/disable enhancements as well.
• Stats dump what take what etc
• I state toughness because if I ever want to PuG something (elite or epic) 500+ HP is a must
I rolled a 1 when trying the search function so please don’t post lmgtfy.com (LOL). But since this is DDO I expect some flames ;-) , lol. If more info is needed to help me out please post here, much love to those who help out, and to those that flame… well you can’t please everyone.