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  1. #1
    DDO Producer
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    Default End of the week with Major Malphunktion - XII

    Just approved "Vaults of the Artificers" a few minutes ago. Expect release notes sometime next week, and we expect to have the release up on 11/9/11. Not a bad year, Crystal Cove, Update 9, 10, 11, 12...crafting, crazy beholders, a new class, rabid hirelings, and now challenges.
    I like this one a ton, as I said last week. I see real potential to expand on DDO in some interesting ways, and even expand what people expect from a MMO gaming experience.This system has the ability to expand the team's creativity, which is always a good thing. Here's hoping for some more crazy in the future.

    Mournlands: 404 is looking for more people. Apply! He will have a big post coming up real soon!

    Community Bugs:The tool is mostly working. If you get a timeout or connectivity error, hit the house icon and it resets.

    I'd also like to thank everyone for some of their input on the challenges, and their opinions of what Epic should be.

    So let me ask you guys some questions..

    -What would *you* like from Lamannia? I have my own ideas, but I'd like to hear what you guys think it could be.

    -What is the one singular thing you would like fix. Please, think on the macro level not the micro. Don't say hand wraps

    -What one thing would you like to see added to the game?

    Well, I'm keeping it short again this week.Go Bruins (we got a win yay!)
    Go Pats! Giants...Grrr...only one thing to say there...XLII...


  2. #2
    Community Member stainer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Just approved "Vaults of the Artificers" a few minutes ago. Expect release notes sometime next week, and we expect to have the release up on 11/9/11. Not a bad year, Crystal Cove, Update 9, 10, 11, 12...crafting, crazy beholders, a new class, rabid hirelings, and now challenges.
    I like this one a ton, as I said last week. I see real potential to expand on DDO in some interesting ways, and even expand what people expect from a MMO gaming experience.This system has the ability to expand the team's creativity, which is always a good thing. Here's hoping for some more crazy in the future.

    Mournlands: 404 is looking for more people. Apply! He will have a big post coming up real soon!

    Community Bugs:The tool is mostly working. If you get a timeout or connectivity error, hit the house icon and it resets.

    I'd also like to thank everyone for some of their input on the challenges, and their opinions of what Epic should be.

    So let me ask you guys some questions..

    -What would *you* like from Lamannia? I have my own ideas, but I'd like to hear what you guys think it could be.

    -What is the one singular thing you would like fix. Please, think on the macro level not the micro. Don't say hand wraps

    -What one thing would you like to see added to the game?

    Well, I'm keeping it short again this week.Go Bruins (we got a win yay!)
    Go Pats! Giants...Grrr...only one thing to say there...XLII...

    Grats on finalizing the release, Maj.

    I would like to see all potions usable when madstoned, just not the guild pots. I know this is a small issue, but it doesn't make sense to me.

  3. #3
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    i'd like targeting issues fixed wands missfire and random angle, spells random angle or too far away, cleric bursts,warforged casting reconstruct and having a fleshie in orb should heal themselves the ability to shut off lay on hands so they don't hit undead if i don't want them to.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    -What is the one singular thing you would like fix. Please, think on the macro level not the micro. Don't say hand wraps
    If "fix" means correction to things that are bugged,
    • Prestige enhancements
    • Racial abilities
    • then handwraps

    If "fix" has a broader scope,
    • Fix the way character growth slows so much when you hit 20th level

  5. #5
    Community Member Hordo's Avatar
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    I want the "Death Penalty" renamed "Hordo Effect"...wait, you were serious?

    Honestly, the one thing that I'd like most to see fixed/added to the game is Guild Ranks.

    I loved that we could have more than a member/officer designation. It was perfect...except that it renamed everyone in the area! LOL
    -Khyber- Loreseekers, Guild Leader
    Hordorabbi ~ Hordiva ~ Hordazzle ~ Hordorc ~ Hordeau ~ And dozens of other HordoToons™!
    High Rabbi of DDO
    Loreseekers Guild ~ H.o.r.d.o.'s How-To Guides @Loreseekers

  6. #6
    Community Member Gadget2775's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post

    So let me ask you guy...

    -What is the one singular thing you would like fix. Please, think on the macro level not the micro. Don't say hand wraps

    -What one thing would you like to see added to the game?
    Spellsong Vigor not applying to Warforged

    Would love to see Cleric Domains
    D.W.A.T: (Now with Non-Dwarf support)
    Founder of the (D.W.A.T) Elf Rebellion and Supporter of the H (alfling). I(ntel). T(eam).

  7. #7
    Community Member Diyon's Avatar
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    -What would *you* like from Lamannia? I have my own ideas, but I'd like to hear what you guys think it could be.

    I'd like to see more benefits to live account from using Lamannia. As much as I like to see what's coming up, I don't really use Lamannia, because I get no lasting return on logging into it, stuff I do on live progresses my characters, gets loot, earns favor, etc. The recent Lamannia contest for turbine points is a great step in that direction. On a similar note, it'd be awesome if lamannia could be optionally hooked up to the main client and launcher, my computer is tight on space.

    -What is the one singular thing you would like fix. Please, think on the macro level not the micro. Don't say hand wraps

    Lag/whatever other things that people like to call lag but isn't technically lag per se.

    -What one thing would you like to see added to the game?

    Druids, druids, druids. U13? Please?
    Khyber: Runforr 13/6/1 Rog/Ftr/Mnk, Bakup 3/3/1 Mnk/Pal/Rog (TR Pal), Faylah 14 Mnk (TR Mnk), Janthyra 12/7/1 Brb/Rog/Ftr, Ainbthech 20 Sor, Fliethas 18/2 Fvs/Mnk, Unfilled 12/6/2 Mnk/Rgr/Ftr, Arcanemark 10 Wiz "Don't eat us dragon! We're like you, but smaller. And fly worse." - Kobold Crewman on the Heart of Wind

  8. #8
    Community Member Avidus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    -What is the one singular thing you would like fix. Please, think on the macro level not the micro. Don't say hand wraps
    This makes me sad... This means its going to be awhile before all the bugs are squashed...

    -What one thing would you like to see added to the game?
    Would you be mad if I said 'I would like to see working handwraps added to the game'

    On a serious note I would like to see the PrE's finished

    I would like to see the Uber gloves of rogueishness that were spoken of in the original ten ton hammer review of cannith crafting link

    And finally I would love NOT seeing more crafting / barterbox / collectable / ingredients added to the game... we have enough of them...
    ~ Rukan 4/3 pal/mnk(Past Life mnk x3) ~ Ignavus 16 wiz(Past Life sor/wiz) ~ Styphon 20 Game Deformer(Past Life Clr) ~
    ~ Wyek 7/6 mnk/ftr ~ Lystara 5/6/2 ftr/rng/mnk ~ Tinder 12 brb ~

  9. #9
    Founder Raiderone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Just approved "Vaults of the Artificers" a few minutes ago. Expect release notes sometime next week, and we expect to have the release up on 11/9/11. Not a bad year, Crystal Cove, Update 9, 10, 11, 12...crafting, crazy beholders, a new class, rabid hirelings, and now challenges.
    I like this one a ton, as I said last week. I see real potential to expand on DDO in some interesting ways, and even expand what people expect from a MMO gaming experience.This system has the ability to expand the team's creativity, which is always a good thing. Here's hoping for some more crazy in the future.

    Mournlands: 404 is looking for more people. Apply! He will have a big post coming up real soon!

    Community Bugs:The tool is mostly working. If you get a timeout or connectivity error, hit the house icon and it resets.

    I'd also like to thank everyone for some of their input on the challenges, and their opinions of what Epic should be.

    So let me ask you guys some questions..

    -What would *you* like from Lamannia? I have my own ideas, but I'd like to hear what you guys think it could be.

    -What is the one singular thing you would like fix. Please, think on the macro level not the micro. Don't say hand wraps

    -What one thing would you like to see added to the game?

    Well, I'm keeping it short again this week.Go Bruins (we got a win yay!)
    Go Pats! Giants...Grrr...only one thing to say there...XLII...

    Lamannia: I would like to see it opened all the time even after updates and have possibility to wipe your characters and add them back with character copy.

    Probably spell targeting, for instance casting Fireball and mob dies before it's cast.
    Poof fireball isnt cast.

    One thing I'd like to see added to the game: DRUIDs. (would've said PrE's but thats multiple things).

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    -What is the one singular thing you would like fix. Please, think on the macro level not the micro.
    an alter to deconstruct greensteel and stone of change recipes to 'clear' tod rings would be nice.

    oh you said fix.... My vote would be a complete pass on all the broken/useless feats in the game.

  11. #11
    Community Member Gratan's Avatar
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    What would i like fixed?

    I would like to see the ladder bug fixed, and please dont ask me to tell you which ones, as they have asked in the past. It is all the ladders.

    What would i like added to the game?

    Finish all the Pre's. When you come out with a class, please finish it and all the Pre's that go with it. More races.
    Last edited by Gratan; 11-04-2011 at 04:53 PM.
    Hargrave 20 Pally 1/2ling * Saraph 20 N Human Clr * Azureflame 14/2 CG WF Wiz/Rog * Grimstone 12/2/6 CG Dwf Rgr/ftr/Barb * Ebinn 17/3 Clr/Pally Dwf * Settsu 20 Dwf Monk LN * Nythh 8 Fvs Lg Human * Krisi 20 Sorc Drow LG * Cinderblok 6/12/2 Rgr/Ftr/Mk WF LG

  12. #12


    Favorite U12 change desert raid scroll commoditization.. even though I still have 6 or 7 raid scrolls. Then if they'd just bump the shard drop rate in EADQ.

    Fix the lag spike that occurs every time a UMD-affecting item gets swapped.
    Casual DDOaholic

  13. #13
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    The "big fix" on a macro level would be "remove wail of the banshee and implosion from the spell list"

    The thing I'd like added to the game is the old Epic Ward that made epic quests interesting inseatd of boring. Keep the lower HP.

    Right now, I'm having tons of more fun doing elite quests at level than on epics.
    Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm

    Leader of Templar

  14. #14
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Quoted from OP:

    So let me ask you guys some questions..

    -What would *you* like from Lamannia? I have my own ideas, but I'd like to hear what you guys think it could be.

    I think Lammania should serve as the testing house where new concepts that the devs are excited about go to either die or be refined to greatness. It is painfully obvious that the developers need tons of player feedback early on in the process when it comes to new ideas. Polls should be common on those forums and should be heeded by development. If players are screaming that this new idea is horrible then it should be scraped and Lammania is a great place to preview those ideas without the risk of hurting the live environment. If players see something like challenges which are intriguing, but would have been a complete failure upon release in their original form on Lammania then the devs need to hear from the masses about what needs to be added to make them worth running.

    The couple week preview of new updates...yeah I do not care much about those. If QA, ML, and the internal test servers are not catching the issues the pressure is already so high to get it out the door that whatever is on Lammania only gets tweaked around the edges anyways.

    -What is the one singular thing you would like fix. Please, think on the macro level not the micro. Don't say hand wraps

    Hand wraps are NOT A MICRO ISSUE. They are a major issue that demonstrates what happens when you code something in a certain manner. Clearly the developers are having issues expanding the game as time goes on due to so many things being speciality cases in coding. QA is unlikely to directly fix that so I will address what QA does have more say over...

    So the top priority to me for QA to fix is the release process. Something is broken in it. Far too much gets through that specifically is stated to have been fixed or that are fairly obvious potential consequences from known changes. The same bug should not pop up over and over again. Something that is stated as fixed should actually be fixed. This is a macro issue...something is broken in how things go through the release process and it needs to be fixed.

    -What one thing would you like to see added to the game?

    I would like to see a customer feedback form as part of the standard process of interacting with Turbine 'customer service'. When stuff that is broken makes it live the GMs are the last people most can turn to correct things or at least make them a little less painful for the players. Quality of this service has went from fairly respectful and helpful when the game released to down right rude and pointless to even contact (speaking from the averages here as of course during the good times their might be a rare bad day case and now you might get the one or two GMs who actually still care). Basically a simple form. Were you satisfied with the service Y/N? Was your problem fixed Y/N? Was the service prompt and professional Y/N? And a little box to add your own notes.

    This is of particular concern because when the BIG BAD THINGS happen to you do to a game bug it needs to standard for Turbine to help you. Right now that depends mostly upon luck and your persistence. On the smaller side everytime someone encounters a broken quest mechanic it is also a matter of luck about if you are SOL or if the GM is one of the few helpful ones who will respond quickly and fix the issue for you in less then a minute (really that is what good GM service IS like in this game from past experience and very rare experiences more recently).

    Good GMs with lots of power to help the customers make everything that the developers mess up on and QA misses (or ignores and lets into the release) less devastating to the players and less likely to cause them to leave. Good GMs also provide back valuable information to the developers and QAs as to potential bugs and how they can fix them, because not everyone bug reports things.
    Last edited by Cyr; 11-04-2011 at 05:01 PM.
    Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Jandric's Avatar
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    I'd love to see Amrath expanded upon to include quests against the demons (Hey, that new Pally sword would get used! ) and then with quests in the Archon area. Amrath has all kinds of juicy plot hooks that looked really cool, but weren't pursued. There have been several threads on this in the past (including a fairly large one), but it could revolve around the Mad Archon, The mysterious being being held in the enforcers prison, etc.

    Other than that- Extend the level cap to 25 and redo Epic!

  16. #16
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    The thing I would most like to see fixed is what I would broadly call "stability issues". They include:

    1) Lag, in all of its variations

    2) Crashing when loading into a zone. My client crashs about 95% of the time when stepping into the Sands wilderness area. Only time I seem to be OK is when the client has just been restarted. Have a similiar problem in House K.

    3) Client memory bloat. Looks like DDO has some serious memory leak issues.

    I really have no interest in even more content until what we have works to a level of quality that most people expect. I understand that you are not crafting a control system for a nuclear reactor, but at some point quality matters even for a game, and DDO is well past that point.

    Update 11 was the perfect example of how NOT to do business.

  17. #17
    Community Member ZeroTakenaka's Avatar
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    -What would *you* like from Lamannia? I have my own ideas, but I'd like to hear what you guys think it could be.

    Prizes... um... no idea honestly x.x

    -What is the one singular thing you would like fix. Please, think on the macro level not the micro. Don't say hand wraps

    The one thing that I'd like fixed is lag... >.> Maybe balancing in some of the spells like Fire Trap.

    -What one thing would you like to see added to the game?

    1. More Prestige Classes
    2. Druids! (( Not because they're OP but because they're a core class.
    3. Another WF-type race that can be repaired.
    Robi's Free to Play Guide
    I play as: Nagasnake, Olmanjenkins, Tyrogan, Chicobo, Torriin, Kensaito, Koruna, and Goldenac.

  18. #18
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    What is the one singular thing you would like fix. Please, think on the macro level not the micro. Don't say hand wraps

    -What one thing would you like to see added to the game?
    Please finish PrEs... Make a huge effort towards them every update. Every update should include at least a couple more Tiers of existing PrEs and/or new PrEs.

    No more new crafting systems.

    Thanks for posting.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  19. #19
    Community Member Bogenbroom's Avatar
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    Broken Thing : First hit swing issues. ( I don't really have a huge list here)

    Addition : I would like to see some love given to character management from a more macro level. As in... the ability to see certain information from the character login screen and maybe even do something about it. Some examples would be :
    - inventory management,
    - mail notices/management
    - see the LFM panel
    - access guild chat and /tell.
    Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.

  20. #20
    Community Member
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    -What would *you* like from Lamannia? I have my own ideas, but I'd like to hear what you guys think it could be.

    I think you're already really working on this now but a reason to play there beyond getting to see something early. The events that have already happened are a great step and it sounds like you have some further plans in that regard.

    -What is the one singular thing you would like fix. Please, think on the macro level not the micro. Don't say hand wraps

    On a full-game scope for something outside of your area I'd have to say the GM experience. It's inconsistent, unclear what tools GM's have available to them, and generally unsatisfactory by most reports I've seen. I don't have answers here and as you've posted in some other threads some of the more out of the box ideas (community involvement) has run into legal issues in the last few years but that would be my #1 macro issue.

    Within your scope some more clarity on how certain issues are supposed to work. There's definitely some items that fall into the 'taken on faith' part when it comes to operation within game. Any time there's debate on whether something in game is WAI or not that's an issue. While a game shouldn't tell you how to win it you should at least be able to know the rules of the game without guessing and I feel like there are times this isn't the case in certain situations with a variety of feats, enhancements, abilities.

    Finally, I can't help but bring up my pet project on the micro level. Please, please, please work out the various issues with the bard songs Sustaining Song and Spellsong Vigor. My main one finally made the known issues recently: "The Bard prestige enhancement abilities Spellsong Vigor and Sustaining Song do not affect Warforged." There are others as well but just seeing that fixed would have me buying a heart to LR immediately.

    I have a theory too about why this happens. I don't know for sure of course as I don't know the internal workings of the code but when the problem first came out there were mentions that the audio that goes with the food/drink in the taverns was also being used for the songs. I'm wondering if it uses the same audio, maybe it uses the same underlying code as well? If that was the case it would simply be a matter of coding the right 'food/drink' by race when the song plays. Again, just a theory that I've brought up in bug reports in the past but figured might get some more light here.

    -What one thing would you like to see added to the game?

    More bard spells. Legitimate reasons to play a bard as an offensive spellcaster or at least to use the blue bar to add dps with offensive spells. I know people rankle a bit when you start saying, "x class has this, y class has it too" but bards could really use an effective DoT, an effective persistent aoe, and more efficient instant aoe's/single target spells. Right now there's little reason not to dump-stat cha and go max strength on a bard - even a healing bard. CC is iffy as justification given the spell selection. I'd just love to see a situation where you're forced to make a choice like what faces FvS's right now. Both dump wis and bump wis are effective for FvS.
    Tajawuka 20 Bladeforged Paladin running divine ETR's (3 ranger/monk/fighter pl's, 3 martial epl's) - Toolbots working on Morninglord Cleric life #2 (3 wizard/sorc/druid pl) - Evisra 28 rogue

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