Just approved "Vaults of the Artificers" a few minutes ago. Expect release notes sometime next week, and we expect to have the release up on 11/9/11. Not a bad year, Crystal Cove, Update 9, 10, 11, 12...crafting, crazy beholders, a new class, rabid hirelings, and now challenges.
I like this one a ton, as I said last week. I see real potential to expand on DDO in some interesting ways, and even expand what people expect from a MMO gaming experience.This system has the ability to expand the team's creativity, which is always a good thing. Here's hoping for some more crazy in the future.
Mournlands: 404 is looking for more people. Apply! He will have a big post coming up real soon!
Community Bugs:The tool is mostly working. If you get a timeout or connectivity error, hit the house icon and it resets.
I'd also like to thank everyone for some of their input on the challenges, and their opinions of what Epic should be.
So let me ask you guys some questions..
-What would *you* like from Lamannia? I have my own ideas, but I'd like to hear what you guys think it could be.
-What is the one singular thing you would like fix. Please, think on the macro level not the micro. Don't say hand wraps
-What one thing would you like to see added to the game?
Well, I'm keeping it short again this week.Go Bruins (we got a win yay!)
Go Pats! Giants...Grrr...only one thing to say there...XLII...