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  1. #1
    Community Member PNellesen's Avatar
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    Default Dwarf 18R/2F Tempest Ranger Feat question

    I've got a Dwarf 18R/2F Tempest who hasn't used his free feat swap yet. He took Improved Crit:Ranged, and I was considering swapping that out for Weapon Focus:Slashing (he already has IC:Slashing, as well as Toughness and the feats necessary for Spring Attack). He does a lot of Epics, and pretty much only uses his bow for Manyshot, otherwise sticking to his various dual Dwarven Axe sets. He normally doesn't have problems hitting most mobs or bosses even with Power Attack on, so I'm not sure if there's be a huge benefit in making that swap. I love seeing the big crit numbers when he's using his bow, but given how seldom he uses it I'm starting to think I might be better off increasing his to-hit with axes instead.

    Any thoughts appreciated.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
    While they were at it though, the devs decided to go on an incredible nerfhammer rampage and left nothing in their wake standing...

  2. #2
    Community Member Arshan's Avatar
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    How do you feel when you run with aggro on you on real epics (sands mainly), do you miss a lot with dual DAs ? What is your strength ?
    If you don't use your DAs THAT much not sure swapping your imp crit : ranged worth it. THOUGH, it's not that difficult to find a keen bow if you really need to crit.
    I'm running with a kinda similar build (general idea, 12/6/2 still) and i never felt the need for imp crit : ranged.

    If you can afford a double feat swap, you can just try out how it goes, and if you don't like just swap again :P
    Tarnesh(GateauFRANCIS, Life 10/10+) / Thazok(GateauTUNES, Life 5/4) / Thaerom(GateauHJEALS, Life 3/3)
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  3. #3
    Community Member Cinderbeard's Avatar
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    I used to roll with a build like yours when Tempest 3 was new.

    With oversized TWF and a high stength you should be OK hitting things, especially favored enemies.

    Instead of IC: ranged I had Maximise to get some very nice healing from the cure serious wounds spell.
    Along with some healing APs and healing gear like a simple potency scepter the spell could heal for over 200hps.
    Depends of course if you have enough spell points to make it worth it.

    If this is not really your thing I would consider another Toughness feat. I prefer more HPs above a +1 to hit.
    Keeper Refugee
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  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    WF Slash seems like a waste of a feat. Is this based on one of my old builds? If so, did you take Quicken+Maximize for healing? If not, then that's an option, esp. if you're willing to grind for a Raiyum Torc & Con Opp GS item for SP regen.

    Oh wait, Improved Sunder is the new hawtness, isn't it? Maybe you could add that in; with dwarven Tactics enhs, you might be able to get some decent DCs.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  5. #5
    Community Member Arshan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    If so, did you take Quicken+Maximize for healing?
    I don't think any "good" tempest (i mean, one that expects dealing real dps and not finesse build hitting like a kitty) can afford putting 2 feats in meta... Not saying i'm against self healing and stuff but 2 metas on a pure melee build is rather expensive imo
    Tarnesh(GateauFRANCIS, Life 10/10+) / Thazok(GateauTUNES, Life 5/4) / Thaerom(GateauHJEALS, Life 3/3)
    Iccir's Badger Minsc and Boo approve this build

  6. #6
    Community Member PNellesen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    WF Slash seems like a waste of a feat. Is this based on one of my old builds? If so, did you take Quicken+Maximize for healing? If not, then that's an option, esp. if you're willing to grind for a Raiyum Torc & Con Opp GS item for SP regen.

    Oh wait, Improved Sunder is the new hawtness, isn't it? Maybe you could add that in; with dwarven Tactics enhs, you might be able to get some decent DCs.
    Indeed he is based heavily on one of your builds (, without the metas for healing. I've considered Maximize, though he gets some ok self healing with a Superior Ardor item when he needs it (enough to keep him alive long enough for the healer to get him back into the fight).

    Another Toughness wouldn't be bad, though the Improved Sunder sounds interesting as well, might have to look at that.

    Thanks for the input
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
    While they were at it though, the devs decided to go on an incredible nerfhammer rampage and left nothing in their wake standing...

  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arshan View Post
    I don't think any "good" tempest (i mean, one that expects dealing real dps and not finesse build hitting like a kitty) can afford putting 2 feats in meta... Not saying i'm against self healing and stuff but 2 metas on a pure melee build is rather expensive imo
    Dwarf rgr 18 / ftr 2 gets 9 feats: the four Tempest pre-reqs, Toughness, Power Atk, and IC Slash take up 7, leaving two to play with. Max+Quik+rgr Devotion IV+Ardor clickie makes for some pretty decent CSWs; SP-regen-on-hit gear turns you into a font of perpetual healing, though on epics you might not regen SPs fast enough - still buys you time while you wait for the real healers to do their jobs, though.
    Quote Originally Posted by PNellesen View Post
    Another Toughness wouldn't be bad, though the Improved Sunder sounds interesting as well, might have to look at that.
    I thought about suggesting Stunning Blow as well, except I'm not sure you can get your DCs high enough, even with dwarven Tactics enhs & a good Stunning warhammer to help. Rgrs just can't get the DCs a Kensai or Berserker can, unfortunately.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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