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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009

    Default Monk 13 / Wizard 7 ?

    I was thinking about starting something like a Monk 13 / Wizard 7, going pale master and using Zombie form to get nice DR and also increased unarmed damage. Maybe constant Haste and going wind stance can help with the decreased attack speed.. My goal adding 7 wizard levels is not only to access Zombie form, but also get Wall of Fire and Death Aura fr easy AoE and heal.

    Has anyone tried that?

  2. #2
    Community Member azmodeus1's Avatar
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    Feb 2008

    Thumbs down

    you will be a gimp in so many ways...

    no...just no.
    "I don't know half of you half as well as i should like, and i like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

  3. #3
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    An 18 wizard / 2 monk will be much better in lich form.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Aug 2007


    I feel that simply saying this build is a bad idea is not enough. It needs to be spelled out exactly what level of fail this sort of build is.

    So, to illustrate:

    1. No GM stances.

    2. No Capstone of any kind.

    3. -2 die steps on your Unarmed attack.

    4. Forced to waste a gear slot on +INT or build points on INT just to cast spells. Pick one.

    5. Most of your self buffs are superfluous and easily copied via clickies or ship buffs.

    6. What group have you ever run with in late game content that did not include a (real) Arcane?

    7. If you cast your meagre level 7 FireWall/IceStorm on top of that Level 20 Sorcs FireWall/IceStorm, yours will override his. He/She will be incredibly angry with you and you should consider yourself lucky if they *only* kick you from the group, and do not also tell all of their friends to never group with you.

    8. Your level 7 Wizard spells will do pathetic damage.

    9. Your level 7 Wizard necro spells will not be able to keep you alive. The Divines will not heal you. Consider yourself lucky if they pity you enough to put you in their backpack to rez you at the end of the quest so you can get your loot. Most groups will probably just leave you where you fall.

    10. Zombie form attack speed debuff is not even matched by Wind stance attack speed buff. Your net attack speed will still be less.

    11. You are locked into Wind Stance and will still have a lower melee DPS than a level 13 Monk who forgot to turn his stance on.

    12. Everything will save VS your ToD.

    13. A single dispell from anything even when you are running *early-game* content with your capped toon will strip you of all your buffs.

    14. After self buffing you will be almost out of SP

    16. Your function in raids will be "Court Jester"

    And possibly worst of all
    15. In the event that you do find a group, they will be so busy laughing at you for running around Amrath in Zombie form that they will be less effective at their primary roles. This could cause a wipe.
    Last edited by richieelias27; 10-24-2011 at 12:24 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Doxmaster's Avatar
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    Jun 2009


    I believe this was called the 'Defiance' build. It appeared on Cannith a couple of months back.

    The thread was locked rapidly, the OP thrust his friend into the spotlight and said friend immediately bailed on him, and it was so gear dependant that it might as well be a summoned monster until you finish a life or two grinding specifically for it.

    I can see the derisive posts are already coming in...

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