So i am screwing around in the pvp pit on my tr'ed lvl 18 arty, for a lack of anything better to do... and i keep taking out this capped wiz or something, all i know is he threw spells at me that looked arcane and was a drow or something, when he sends me a few pms filled with obscenities and what not(Telling me where to stick my ioun stone and all)... So me being in a playful mood decided to use the report function as my squelching function... About 5 minutes later i get a Ticket Updated Message and then promptly receive a pm from a GM(i wont name the failness here, for his integrity, but he knows who he is if he reads forums, and devs you are more than welcome to make fun of him) saying "Greetings (insert name of person i reported, which btw is nothing similar to mine) profanity, yada yada, slap on the wrist, yada yada, do it again and i will spank you yada yada..." Now at first i didnt read teh name on it and was thinking *** i report someone and get a warning this is Horse(insert censored name for manure here)... Then i go and re-read teh warning reading the name on it and promptly pm the GM "GM FAIL learn to read and type correctly"(and yeah those are exact words, i didnt have the presence of min to take a funny screenshot at the time, le sigh) wait another couple of minutes and he apologizes for the screw up and goes about his merry way, doing whatever it is GMs do when they are not dealing with messes i have caused...