We've completed this raid a few times, but it's always been rough. Very rough. Lag while on the crystals stage is ridiculous. My gaming box goes from 60+FPS to seconds per frame. Fortunately this part is an easy beat down. We have top notch healers on board, we coordinate the sub-teams (who's doing purple and who's doing green) and it just doesn't seem to matter. The titans seem to aggro at will, hit fairly hard and every one dies at least couple times. We have 850+ HPs beefy tanks on board and they got squished as easy as our 450HP caster. We've tried separating them, prepping them then taking both at the same time and so forth. I feel there has to be a much better approach than brute force. But having been there and looked around a few times, I haven't figured any other way.
So, anyone else tried something different (and worked)?