Lots has happened over the last few weeks and we have unfortunately lost some great players and great friends to the perils of Real Life.
So Crimson Eagles is opening recruitment again.
We are after established players that need a fun, end game home for the +10GMT time zone. End game raiding and epic quests/raids are the focus and new membership should already enjoy this content and be familiar with it.
* Multiple classes/characters is a must.
* Guild chat is not filtered so not flinching at all the random kinky Drow on Drow chat is a must.
* Females need not feel left out as we have 3 in guild and Stopwound hasn't logged on for 2 weeks so fear not!
* Real Life trumps DDO, random afk's happen a lot for various reasons. We also do not throw around blame for a wipe. We enjoy spectacular recoveries too
Ideal applicants would be someone who has run with us before and had fun, plays +10GMT evenings primarily and has experience with epic and raid end game. Impatient and srs bzns players won't fit in. We love a bit of grease but know when to stop (usually when our channel friends are getting mad).
Gear is what everyone farms, so as long as you contribute and are working to better you're characters, the gear will come. You can't farm attitude and fun.
Guild Leader: Felgor
Play time: Mostly +10GMT Afternoon/Evening
Content: Focus on Raids and Epic with lowbie spurts thrown in.
Open Spots: 4
Thank you for your time and possible interest.