Hello guys,
For U-12 i will tr my WF sorcerer into a 18 wizzy /2 rogue.i want to build an evasion caster.I have most of the of it figure out how i will do it.But where i am not sure on how to do it is on skill allocation( what are the level i will need for the rogue partin skill points) and abillity point distributions.
Will be human, i will put maximum Intelligence ,as much constitution as i can.Not sure about the rest i am not familiar with the rogue part. Should i put some in strenght? Where i should put the rest(not really sure)
My other dilma is the skill point allocation,i will start with my 1 st level as a rogue and what i should max as skill point allocation wht do i need to be some kind of effecient as my rogue part.
Please feel free to share your wisdom and previous experience with that built,send actual built,enlight me please ,share with me
thank you in advance