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  1. #1
    Community Member TekkenDevil's Avatar
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    Default How do I use my UGC game card to become a VIP?


    I redeemed the UGC through PayByCash but umm... when I go to use the code I got through E-mail, Turbine thinks it's a sub for LotRO.....

    Do I contact customer support now or wha...?
    Last edited by daVoyd; 09-05-2011 at 03:41 PM. Reason: remove 2nd pic as it contained username

  2. #2
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    In find your existing premium or f2p account for DDO. there should be a link to "add a game card".

    If there is NOT a link to add a game card, call turbine support and they'll fix you up with the card.

    NOTE - there is a small bug with game cards. Sometimes when they are added they do not give you vip. Wait about 30 minutes and check again. If you are still not vip then call turbine and they'll fix it up in 30 seconds.

  3. #3
    Community Member TekkenDevil's Avatar
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    I was afraid I'd get a semi-automated response because of being unable to edit the topic title.

    Then lo and behold, you did just that. Thank you... not.

    Sadly, that stock info wouldn't even have been helpful for my original post to begin with.
    Do you guys have any actual support personnel on these forums?

  4. #4
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TekkenDevil View Post
    I was afraid I'd get a semi-automated response because of being unable to edit the topic title.

    Then lo and behold, you did just that. Thank you... not.

    Sadly, that stock info wouldn't even have been helpful for my original post to begin with.
    Do you guys have any actual support personnel on these forums?

    /Walks away with a suggestion that might've helped.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  5. #5
    Community Member TekkenDevil's Avatar
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    I fail to see when exactly I turned out to be the bad guy in this thread.

    Was it when I failed to appreciate the semi-automated response, which I would say quite rudely proceeded to not take into account a single thing I ever posted about my issue, and amongst other things, suggested that I take action that I have already done (such as finding the link to add a game card, which is obvious I had done so already, if you just look at the above pictures), and of the kind that is completely irreleveant?

    Because then I would like to respectfully disagree.

    Let me point out why I found that post offensive:

    1. It's a semi-automated response, evidenced by the fact that it's a blatant copy-paste of text that I have already read before I first created the thread.
    2. It isn't even related to my problem. If you have robot-people going around the forum, pasting stock troubleshooting info to eliminate less intelligent users who didn't think of looking up this info in the appropriate sections, I could perfectly understand that. But then make sure you're applying these lackluster responses to the proper topics. The very fact that I mention Ultimate Game Cards (or "UGC" to be precise) in the topic should indicate that it requires a different kind of troubleshooting, because the entire process is completely different and more complicated, as I have experienced the past couple of hours. Surely Turbine knows of this difference?
    3. I just paid $20 without receiving the promised goods. Then I was responded to with something completely useless, which I'm not even sure if it was a product of an actual human being. If that's not enough to question if I will ever consider paying for VIP again in any way (this isn't a threat, I'm just saying), you come here and claim to withhold helpful information on the subject because you don't believe I am on the right end of the moral pole.

    With that said, let me be the first to admit this entire thread was a mistake. I should have foreseen the empty response, and just filed my support tickets to PayByCash and Turbine immediately.


    Maybe I will return once I took classes in being a very nice sheep who is appreciative of responses that take just about zero exertion.
    As of right now, I have no problem saying thanks for trying, but I don't give credit where no credit is due. I know right? Go figure.
    Last edited by TekkenDevil; 09-02-2011 at 05:20 PM.

  6. #6
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TekkenDevil View Post
    I fail to see when exactly I turned out to be the bad guy in this thread.....

    From about the point of the "thank you, not" attitude.
    At your # of posts, you've been around here long enough to know that MsE is no more a bot than I am. Folks trying to help you do not deserve that.

    Now, despite that, I still went and poked thru the process as far as I could not having a UGC code in hand. What I had in mind may not have been a viable solution for you anyway unless you have had both DDO and LOTRO accounts.

    The fastest solution, in any event, would be to call Accounts Support. (email inquiries can take a week or two to get a response.) They'll have the tools right there in front of them to fix what needs fixing.

    This thread is similar to your issue. If it doesn't help, then the number for Account Support is in Victorie's sig.

    Good luck.

    See also:


    Quote Originally Posted by TekkenDevil View Post
    Do I contact customer support now or wha...?

    I'll admit, I missed that little question hiding under the screenies. Otherwise, I'd have just said, "yes" from the get-go.
    Last edited by cdbd3rd; 09-02-2011 at 05:45 PM.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  7. #7
    Community Member TekkenDevil's Avatar
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    Okay, thank you. It's good to know the response time on their E-mail support.

  8. #8
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    I have given you -rep. The reason I did this was that I answered your question, and gave you all of the info you needed and you promptly replied back rudely.

    Asking for help and then rejecting it is the same as trolling. Therefore you got the negative rep.

    Have a nice day.

  9. #9
    Community Member TheDjinnFor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsEricka View Post

    I have given you -rep. The reason I did this was that I answered your question, and gave you all of the info you needed and you promptly replied back rudely.
    Same here.

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