So what would be your least favorite DDO way to die. I gotta go with implosion. Its kinda slow and you just get crushed in on yourself, sounds really painful and unpleasant too.
So what would be your least favorite DDO way to die. I gotta go with implosion. Its kinda slow and you just get crushed in on yourself, sounds really painful and unpleasant too.
Hold person, and subsequently being poked to death by a few kobolds... on a WF...
Don't you love those lapses on immunity sometimes?
I'm just glad there's no autorun in real life.
joining a pug....
(Say): Haywire says, '"Hey, I don't come into yer home and play with things."'
Sniper archer hitting you for ~1 damage, then barely keeping you negative for a minute through displace, incap-regen and 1/minute hp regen from the Threnal cloak..
AFK drowning in Shroud part 3's regen pool.
Last edited by Doxmaster; 08-04-2011 at 09:15 PM.
sliding down a greased razor blade into a pool of lime juice?
pecked to death by ducks?
killed by "something"... Glad that bug has seemingly stopped
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig
Rolled a 1 on a Violet beam from a Chaos beholder and was banished, sent to another plane on my lvl20 Shintao
and died instantly....good times![]()
Wits and swords are as straws against the wisdom of the Darkness___Conan the Cimmerian
Gnomes taste like mushrooms...jus say'n
Order of the Stick
Rage wearing off while sitting at the shrine. DING!
Archangels~Shyvik~Old school Tharashk player since '06
Well, it's not technically dying, but... Being banished by Horoth because you put on the wrong boots. Only had to make that mistake once... *facepalm*
Khyber is my home
Accidentally falling into deep lava when trying to kill fire elementals in Taming the Flames.
laughing at a sorc's hp while fighting a kobald shamen and then getting zap and then the sorc still lives(to bad that sorc only had 31 hp and i had 100 and died)
Getting danced from Kormor's Belt in the middle of Epic Von 5 blade traps :P
Snarfity snarfly snarf.
I am guessing that being impaled on a rusty spike trap would rank among the most painful.