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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Looking for a good solo Toon

    Title says it all really. I am looking for a toon that has good solo ability. This will be almost strictly a solo toon but I wouldnt mind if it is good for groups as well. Just not sure how to multi class to get dps some heals and maybe some locks....

  2. #2
    Community Member MRH's Avatar
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    My first build was a 18pal/2rog , very fun build decent dps with thw , DS, exhaulted smite, divine might, 3 loh's , redemption to raise dead, 3 tiers of cure wounds, evasion if your not wearing heavy armor, pick locks all the way thru vale.

    Get a rogue lvl early for extra skill points.

    GL with your character
    Past Lives : 18pal/2rogue, 20fighter
    *A lady asked me one time if I could call her a cab from I didn't move and said "Your a cab"*

  3. #3
    Community Member testing1234's Avatar
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    almost unlimted amount of builds out there so easiest start by droping a few classes and by so narrowing the choice.

    A-barbarian is easiest almost everyone is agreed that barbs dont make good soloers (can solo but not fun to do it as a barb)
    B-rogue, rogues dps comes from not having agro this is very hard when ur solo. deception and radiance help somewhat but is still not a convient solo char=skip.
    C-fighter, a solid choice but what makes a fighter a good soloer... decent hp/dps yes but thats not enough see no reason to take a fighter as a solo character.
    D-bard problay lot of people that disagree with me but find a bard multi or pure less then ideal soloer. thing i find is that somewere in the quest you need to do dps on a boss or several enemies and the bard just dont have the brute force and bad single person selfhealing to make the hard quests.

    so we have dropped classes ABCD as main ingredients in the multi soup but they can still add little flavor in small degrees as splashes

    1-wizard,sorc makes a good solo toon multiclass works on both of these.
    2-cleric,fvs also makes good solo toon splash works on these and problay deep multis also.
    3-monk/paladin seems like solid dps choices to me superior to the three dps classes barb,rogue and fighter.

    so 1,2 or 3 should be our main ingredient as i find it hard to judge them against one another best to go by what you enjoy playing.

    this is just my own thought on the subject could just suggested a single build but deceied to use the saying teach someone to fish and he has food for his whole life rather then give him a single fish which may not suit his taste.
    Last edited by testing1234; 08-03-2011 at 09:09 PM.

  4. #4
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    Actually, bards can solo very well. Can self-heal, self-buff, and fight.
    E.g. this:
    Those who dip rogue can do traps as well. Go bard.

    Or warforged rogue 2/wizard 18.

  5. #5
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    warforged 18wiz/2rogue is the classic, very popular build that has bags of solo ability & is welcome in most groups too.. theres plenty of threads about how to build them.

    "battleclerics" can be very effective (whether MC'ed cleric with fighter or monk, pure helf with fighter dilly, or a pure or multiclassed favoured soul) - decently melee capable with awesome stamina though powerful self-healing & buffs plus some powerful situational spellcasting capabilities (blade barrier & divine punishment I'm looking at you)... however if you're used to soloing & concentrating on melee with just the occasional self heal, it can be a bit of a mental shift to look out for other team members too, IMO thats where a lot of the bad rep for them comes from - when grouping you dont have to nanny people contantly, but be capable of at least keeping one eye on them while you're also kicking butt & be prepared to step back into a more healing-centric role as needed.

    Personally, i love playing battleclerics.. it takes a lot of practice to get the balance of fight/cast/heal right but when you've got it down they're great fun & some of the really great battleclerics out there (i only count myself as somewhat competent) are amazing, taking on multiple mobs through spells & smacking things up in melee while simultaneously keeping the party alive & making the barbarian cry cos "you're stealing kills & should just be keeping me alive while i soak up all your SP!"...of course, thats assuming you ever see them as they're likely to be soloing to avoid the drama
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  6. #6
    Community Member Infant's Avatar
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    I've personnaly soloed/with hireling two toons to cap: A 18/2 battlecleric and a 16/2/2 bard/ftr/rog. Was able to do most quests elite at level till about lvl 17 or so. Endgame stuff is sometimes somewhat more difficult, especially if you're not geared well.

    Battlecleric: Excellent healing, especially once you have aura and bursts. Ok melee damage and some possible troubles hitting stuff in endgame (can be compensated with gear). Big advantage is that you don't have to go in melee if you don't want (Mariliths, Jariliths are not fun): Just kite them with BB's and Divine Punishment. Weak spots considering soloing: Poor Balance score due to low skill points and non-class skill. Not very good against beholders (can compensate with gear).

    Warchanter Bard: Nice healing, especially when you get high enough UMD for Heal scrolls -- I still use a hireling, since Heal scrolls are expensive. Better melee than the Battlecleric due to maxed songs and permanent Haste and Displacement (Displacement is HUGE when soloing -- I notice this every time I switch to my cleric ). I could fit in Open Locks, which is somewhat nice. Very nice soloing CC with Fascinate -- this makes some battles extremely easy. A lot of versatility with UMD (Fire Shield, Shield, Protection From Evil, Resists, Stoneskin... you can selfcast or UMD almost all important buffs except Deathward). This versatility is comes at a price: The scrolls and wands can be expensive sometimes -- this is no problem if you have another high-level toon to provide plat. Big soloing disadvantage compared to Battlecleric: Lack of ranged/kiting possibilities: You will have problems soloing bosses which you don't want to engage in melee -- Demon Queen, Marilith in Demon's Den and PoP, etc. Trash is no problem due to Fascinate. Content with heavy Dispelling can be tough, since your melee-capability comes from Haste and Displacement.

    I like the bard more due to versatility and better damage mitigation.

    This all is of course my personal experience and highly subjective.

    Never tried it, but a WF Wizrogue should be very nice for soloing too.


  7. #7
    Community Member grayham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testing1234 View Post
    -barbarian is easiest almost everyone is agreed that barbs dont make good soloers (can solo but not fun to do it as a barb)
    I'm afraid I'm coming back at you here as I don't think this is good advice. "Almost everyone"??? What, a survey on DDO revealed that 99% of players think barbs don't make good soloers!!? A huge generalisation....

    I had a blast soloing with my barb, great fun, great class. And based on my reading of these forums I'm not the only one.
    Last edited by grayham; 08-04-2011 at 07:29 AM. Reason: typo bard/barb

  8. #8
    Community Member testing1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grayham View Post
    I'm afraid I'm coming back at you here as I don't think this is good advice. "Almost everyone"??? What, a survey on DDO revealed that 99% of players think barbs don't make good soloers!!? A huge generalisation....

    I had a blast soloing with my barb, great fun, great class. And based on my reading of these forums I'm not the only one.
    what class have a worse reputation as a solo class then barbarian?

    didnt have 99% in mind rather i thought what other class is there that had a worse solo reputation and couldn't think of any

  9. #9
    Community Member thwart's Avatar
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    Right now I am working on a half-elves angel build (12 ftr; 6 rngr; 2 monk) as a mainly solo player. I do not know if its the "best" solo character but he is a lot of fun to play!

  10. #10
    Community Member Viciouspika's Avatar
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    Default Not the best but fun

    I have two characters i'm currently leveling that are soloists but welcome in a group.

    The first is a halfling rogue/monk splash with full dragonmarks of healing. The level split is 13 rogue/ 7monk. I went the acrobat II route for mine, but assasin II could work. Soloing a rogue can be hard because sneak attack is a major part of your DPS. Bluff skill is a must to lure a mob from a group or get sneak attack for a few seconds.

    The second is a drow rogue/ bard splash with twf rapiers. The level split is 13 rogue/ 7 bard. The rogue is for assasin II/ virtuoso I. Entrall, bluff(suggestion), then kill. This one is a little slower to play because I usually sneak while invisible to the middle of mobs and start singing.

    I like things with a little flavor in solo characters, but the best all around soloist would be a WF wiz 18/ rog 2.
    Good Luck on your solo build.

  11. #11
    Community Member gavijal's Avatar
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    bards- warchanters are great for soloing. Good dps, buffs, heal, CC name it .

  12. #12
    Community Member Arnhelm's Avatar
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    My solo char is pure Bard Warchanter. I use clickies for secret doors and mostly ignore locks. If necessary, I have a stock of bells.
    Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.

  13. #13
    Community Member Standal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testing1234 View Post
    what class have a worse reputation as a solo class then barbarian?

    didnt have 99% in mind rather i thought what other class is there that had a worse solo reputation and couldn't think of any
    I think this depends on whether you define soloing as you + hireling or just you. To straight solo, my melee FVS is my favorite.

    I've run both a fighter and a barb to cap primarily soloing with hireling. It was easier than running the FVS through totally solo.

  14. #14
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    I like the 12 Cleric/6 Ranger/2 Rogue in my sig ("Self Sufficient"). I've got one on my primary account (2nd TR) and one on my completely F2P account - I'm currently working on the F2P in preparation for when they re-open the Crystal Cove.

    That and I'm waiting to resume leveling the 2nd TR when they increase the bonuses for Hard/Elite completions
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  15. #15
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    It is increasingly clear that many players solo their characters to some degree. The number of threads started by people looking for solo builds is strong evidence that this is a commonplace activity. I find myself in the category of players who combine solo and group play to some degree with virtually every character.

    From that perspective I will say that nearly any character can solo. However, there are some that are clearly more capable than others.

    The biggest criteria for building a mostly-solo character is the ability to self heal. I do not consider hirelings sufficient for this because hirelings are dumb. So, while hirelings are a useable tool for a lot of content they are not an answer to the need for self healing.

    I also don't consider UMD or drinking potions to be adequate. While these are a good recourse for some players it is my opinion that UMD doesn't hit maturity until very late in a character's life and so has limited utility until then. And, potions do not heal enough to overcome the damage taken at higher levels.

    What this means, IMO, is that the best choices for soloing involve characters with innate and mostly unlimited abilities to self heal. That in turn suggests Warforged arcanes or fleshy divines. I will note that the power of Favored Soul does allow good synergy with Warforged even if the divine healing is less effective. And, with Cannith crafting this may prove to be even more the case as docents can be crafted that make the Warforged more fleshlike.

    I have gravitated towards Warforged wizard or sorcerer, with or without minor splashes of other classes. They do not seem to have as much of a gear requirement as other choices because of the inherent Warforged immunities. I am currently stuck with several other characters but all of them will eventually TR to this -- unless they are ready for their final build form, whatever that may be.

    One of the key things in my decision was the ability to both solo and fit into group play. The reason for the caveat concerning final form is that most of my characters are based off of PnP characters that I use to run. That means I have some definite attachments to specific races and character classes with them.

    But, DDO is not PnP and the nuances of the game favor certain builds over others. If I did not already have an attachment to races and classes I would certainly be playing only warforged arcanes ever in DDO.

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