See title...
WTT Pale Lavender Stone with Sup power for Marlth Chain scroll.
This is a 100% REAL offer!
Send PM here or in game to Nostradamas or Caol.
See title...
WTT Pale Lavender Stone with Sup power for Marlth Chain scroll.
This is a 100% REAL offer!
Send PM here or in game to Nostradamas or Caol.
Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~
[QUOTE=The_Brave2;3958309] Lol.
This is a serious offer.
If you dont want to do it then dont comment on it!
This is in the wrong forums. I posted it in Cannith but it appeared in ghallanda
Can a dev please move it.
trust me you should just have a dev delete it..because your asking the world for an item thats worth less then half of a marilith chain..
I have the stone and want the scroll.
OFC I know the scroll is way more expensive, but I hope to get someone with the scroll who wants the stone replying to this thread (or via PM) so we can make a deal. I got LDS and FRDS to add to the offer ofc.
If you dont ask, you dont get!
So by you offering Pale Lavender for Mari Chain scroll you really mean offering 10+ Pale Lavenders for one Mari scroll right?
That's really not what i understand from your OP, might be usefull to edit it a bit otherwise you will end up with 100% of lol replies. Anyways, i'm not convinced that someone willing to trade an mc scroll will focus on that ioun stone as a deal maker.
Good luck (somehow)
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"