Is there a way to turn off the buying limit of the turbine points? If so please let me know, it's irritating to get the 'you must wait message'.
Is there a way to turn off the buying limit of the turbine points? If so please let me know, it's irritating to get the 'you must wait message'.
Remember the little people, if for no other reason than to better savor the squishy sound they make as you roll over them.
Cleric, Rogue, UMD - Because Grease Clickies Have Consequences.
There are no bad builds, only Characters with High End-Game Mule Potential.
Pardon my ignorance, but can't you buy 50,000 points at a time (or 69K right now with the bonus, buying 10x of the big packs at once)?
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)