Is this ever going to be fixed?
When I first started my mechanic rogue the bugged multiple shot issues were fairly rare and would vanish shortly after seeing them. Now they are the norm and the proper operation is the rarity.
While I do not have hard numbers and this is purely anecdotal I would guess my issues are about this:
60% of the time: 2 shot, reload, 1 shot, reload, 2 shot... etc
35% of the time: 3 shot, reload, 1 shot, reload, 3/2 shot... etc
5% of the time: 3 shot, reload, 3 shot reload, then it typically falls into a 3 shot then 1 shot mode.
some-margin-of-error%: Actual real 3 shot, 3 shot. This has actually become a rare thing for me other than the first maybe 30 minutes of play.
You can not only see it visually but the rolls do not happen which makes sense because you are not shooting. I do not know what changed but this is a serious bug that has totally destroyed my dps. I would swear it gets progressively worse the longer I play. Is this perhaps some strange interaction between the server and client and lag could be causing it?
At first I thought maybe it was some undocumented "your weapon is damaged" deal but my xbow has 158 durability, 12 hardness and is a-tuned.
I would really like to see this get some attention as it seems (based off much older posts I have replied to as well) it is getting none.