Was doing Stormcleave outpost with my hireling and killed the giant boss who was accompanied with skeletons. These arcane blackbones cast their cloudkill ofcourse and after I killed them I discovered that my hireling was kinda helpless and succumbed under something. When he died, I took his stone to the nearest shrine, but the funny thing is that after he got on his feet, he fell down incapacitated and soon after he died. Then he revived himself at the shrine again, healed himself a couple more times, but started losing HP again. So I scanned him and discovered that he was under all 3 of the cloudkill's effects. He kept dieing and reviving and is doing it as I write this post right now. What to do? I did restart the client just in case.
PS I would add a screenshot, but it says that I am not allowed to add attachments.