Looking to sell my Epic Scroll of Docent of the Diabolist. Would love to hear some offers on it.
Would be interested in :
LDS's (Would like to get 3-4)
FRDS's (Don't really use these, but would accept 1 FRDS + maybe a little add)
(I'll consider swapping for other Epic Scrolls possibly) (Prob 2/1 swap, as I don't deal with these much)
Currently hunting a Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone or Pale Lavender also. (Can offer Plat, or work out for scroll as partial and stone as partial.)
Also Selling Last Large Sulfurous Shard :
300k Plat or LDS, Possible Epic Scrolls (I'd swap it for an epic scroll if anyones interested, depending, or one LDS.)
Let me know what you guys have, via pm here, in game or post. Thanks!